Landslides, landslides

Mudflows are sudden flows of water, sand, clay, gravel, fragments of stones and even boulders that appear at the mouth of mountain rivers.
Mudflows are caused by heavy rains, intense melting of mountain snow and glaciers, as well as earthquakes.
Mudflows can cause enormous destruction, covering large areas with stones, uprooted trees and other sediment.
Large destruction and sediment can also be caused by landslides, which are the displacement of an inclined plane of soil masses from the top or slope of a hill to its base.
Of great importance for determining the nature of behavior and actions of the population during mudflows and displacements is the timely identification and recording of signs of their warning about the disaster itself.
The majority of the population can be warned about the danger of a mudflow only tens of minutes in advance, less often one to two hours. You can recognize the approach of a mudflow by the characteristic sound made by boulders or fragments of stones rolling and hitting each other. The sound is reminiscent of a train approaching at high speed.

Mudflows are sudden flows of water, sand, clay, gravel, fragments of stones and even boulders that appear at the mouth of mountain rivers.
Mudflows are caused by heavy rains, intense melting of mountain snow and glaciers, as well as earthquakes.
Mudflows can cause enormous destruction, covering large areas with stones, uprooted trees and other sediment.
Large destruction and sediment can also be caused by landslides, which are the displacement of an inclined plane of soil masses from the top or slope of a hill to its base.
Of great importance for determining the nature of behavior and actions of the population during mudflows and displacements is the timely identification and recording of signs of their warning about the disaster itself.
The majority of the population can be warned about the danger of a mudflow only tens of minutes in advance, less often one to two hours. You can recognize the approach of a mudflow by the characteristic sound made by boulders or fragments of stones rolling and hitting each other. The sound is reminiscent of a train approaching at high speed.