Laryngitis Nodular

Laryngitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx, which can be caused by various reasons. One type of laryngitis is the nodular form, also known as singing or pharyngeal laryngitis.

Nodular laryngitis is characterized by the formation of nodules on the mucous membrane of the larynx. These nodules may

Laryngitis nodosa: Causes, symptoms and treatment

Laryngitis nodosa, also known as singer's nodule or singer's nodule, is one of the most common voice disorders. This condition is characterized by the formation of small nodules or bumps on the vocal cords, which are located in the larynx.

The causes of laryngitis nodosa can be varied. One of the main reasons is improper use of the voice, especially when the voice is often strained. This can occur in professional singers, actors, teachers, or anyone who uses their voice frequently in everyday life. Other factors that contribute to the development of nodules include poor vocal technique, smoking, reflux of stomach acid into the larynx area, and chronic cough.

Symptoms of laryngitis nodosa may vary depending on the severity and duration of the disease. The main symptoms are hoarseness of the voice, loss of tone and volume, and a feeling of a lump in the throat. Often, patients may also experience vocal fatigue, difficulty pronouncing certain sounds, and the need to exert more effort to produce the sound.

To diagnose laryngitis nodosa, your doctor may examine your larynx using a special instrument called a laryngoscope. This allows you to evaluate the condition of the vocal cords and identify the presence of nodules or other changes. If necessary, the doctor may also recommend additional tests, such as a phonetogram or acoustic voice analysis.

Treatment of laryngitis nodosa includes several approaches. First of all, it is recommended to reduce the load on the voice and avoid factors that can contribute to damage to the vocal cords, such as smoking and acute emotional outbursts. Speech therapy can be helpful in correcting poor vocal habits and improving pronunciation technique. In some cases, surgery may be required to remove the nodules.

Apart from this, there are also some self-help measures that can help in improving your voice condition. This includes regularly moistening your throat, avoiding spicy and cold drinks, taking regular breaks from using your voice, and using proper breathing techniques when speaking.

In conclusion, laryngitis nodosa, or singer's nodule, is a common voice disorder that often occurs in people whose profession or daily activities involve intensive use of the voice. Proper use of the voice, regular breaks and correct pronunciation technique can help prevent the development of laryngitis nodosa and maintain a healthy voice.