
Hypertelorism is a rare genetic disorder that is characterized by abnormal widening of the space between the eyes. This condition can lead to a range of physical and mental problems in patients, as well as social isolation and limitations in daily life.

Hypertelorism can manifest itself in different ways, but in general it is characterized by the presence of disproportionately dilated eye sockets, which leads to bittern

Hypertelorism is a congenital pathological condition characterized by dystopia of the eyeballs relative to each other and fusion of the superciliary arches. It can manifest itself as either unilateral or bilateral hypertelorism. In this article we will look at the causes of hypertelorism, its manifestations, possible complications and methods of diagnosis and treatment.

Hypertelorism is the result of a violation of the embryological development of the bones of the face and skull. During the formation of the basic structures of the face in the embryonic period, the brain controls the development of the skull and the relationship of the bones of the head. However, when there is an imbalance between the brain and bones, developmental abnormalities occur and facial skeletal malformations occur.

The causes of hypertelorism can be either hereditary or acquired. Congenital hypertelorism occurs as a result of changes in the chromosomes that control the formation of the bones of the skull. The acquired form can occur due to injuries, infectious diseases, genetic disorders and other factors.

Manifestations of hypertelorism include dichoria, strabismus, amblyopia, delayed development of facial bones, slow ossification of cranial sutures, slurred speech and facial expressions. Hypertelorism can be suspected in a newborn based on appearance -