Laryngeal cancer

Laryngeal cancer: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Laryngeal cancer is a malignant tumor that accounts for about 2% of all malignant tumors. It usually affects the upper parts of the larynx, mainly the supraglottic upper part. Laryngeal cancer occurs 8-9 times more often in men than in women.

Symptoms of laryngeal cancer can vary and depend on the stage of the disease. At first, the disease is asymptomatic, then a feeling of awkwardness and choking when swallowing appears, and then pain. The main symptom is hoarseness of the voice, which can develop into aphonia.

On examination, bumpy growths or infiltration are detected. With cancer of the vocal cords, the process spreads to the opposite fold and anterior commissure. With subglottic cancer, the main symptom is difficulty breathing and hoarseness. With advanced cancer - cough with sputum, putrid odor from the mouth.

A fibrolaryngoscope is used to diagnose laryngeal cancer.