Treatment of hot liver disorder

The liver should be cooled carefully, without reaching the limit and being careful not to cause strong relaxation in it with moisturizing, watery medicines or create blockages with thick cooling agents. One should also be wary of causing significant numbness in the liver; It is better if cooling medicines, along with cooling, promote cleansing, opening blockages and the passage of nutrients, and also have a slight astringent and strengthening effect. Barley water has all these properties, and chicory, wild and garden, is extremely useful in this sense. His nature is cold, but not too much, and he has an opening bitterness, but not a warming one, and the ability to moderately bind and strengthen. The usefulness of this plant even goes so far that it does not harm the cold liver either, and it is included in liver medicines, as we mentioned in the Book of Simple Medicines, under the heading of medicines for the liver. Chicory is sometimes eaten boiled, especially with coriander, fresh and dry; it is also eaten with vinegar. Barberry has great healing properties in this regard, as does tamarind. When blockages are felt in the liver, the patient benefits from adding celery to these medicines: celery opens the blockages, no matter which side they are located. This is one of those substances that quickly passes into the organs in the same way as shikanjubin.

Here is one of the useful remedies for this: take squeezed chicory juice, squeezed bladder cherry juice and squeezed nightshade juice - two ukiyas each, squeezed fresh coriander juice and squeezed fennel juice - each ukiya and a half, mix half a dirham of saffron to all this and give drink. Sometimes they drink good rose oil and apple oil with cold water, and this moderates the heat of the liver.

Another useful remedy for the liver with a hot nature disorder: take asfayush - two misqals with candy sugar and cold water. It is also good to give squeezed juice from baked pumpkin and kissa. with pomegranate juice, cow's milk whey, apple, pear or purslane juice and squeezed fresh rose juice.

If there is no fever, cheese whey with sikanjubin helps, which is drunk every day with three dirhams of yellow myrobalans, a dirham of washed lac and half a dirham of celery seeds. When two weeks of such treatment have passed, they drink the milk of a camel’s foal, starting with one rittl and up to two rittls, in which they put diuretics, removing blockages and medications that promote the passage of substances into the organs, for example, a little squeezed juice of the sapling or chicory seeds or dodder seeds . Sometimes it is necessary to give fragrant rush inflorescences, and sometimes it is necessary to feed with medicines that cause numbness, and give porridge with opium and henbane, as well as filunia, but I do not approve of this if there is an opportunity to get away from it. For a strong young man with this disease, it is sometimes enough to drink very cold water on an empty stomach. It helps with cakes made from bamboo nodules, cold cakes made from barberry and camphor cakes. Among the cakes useful for such balls are cakes of this kind: they take Egyptian willow flowers, water lily flowers - ten dirhams each, a red rose without pedicels - twelve dirhams, camphor - two dirhams and a half, red sandalwood and lacquer washed with spices, how to wash the sabur - seven dirhams, the fruits of the areca palm - eight dirhams, saffron - three dirhams, rhubarb - five dirhams, Cypriot clay, mastic and adiantum - three dirhams each. All this is mixed with nightshade juice and chicory juice and turned into flat cakes, a miskal each. Every day they give you a flatbread with nightshade juice to drink.

Sometimes a medicinal dressing of this kind helps: take purslane, pound it, put rose oil in it, cool it and apply a medicinal dressing from it. Or they take both types of sandalwood - one uqiya, the fruits of the areca palm and dry violet - half a uqiya, a rose - one and a half uqiya, washed saffron - half a uqiya, wormwood - a quarter of a uqiya, and camphor - two dirhams. All this is combined in a wax ointment made with willow oil, spread on something wide, especially pumpkin leaves, sorrel leaves and beet leaves, and applied as a bandage. Sometimes dressings are made with the squeezed juice of cold vegetables, for example, pumpkin juice, kissa juice and others that we mention when talking about drinks. They put barley or lentil oatmeal in them, pour rose oil over them and apply a bandage. And sometimes they put something like sandalwood, areca palm or camphor in them; it is quite possible to put in them or mix with them some kind of incense or the juice of fragrant fruits. Sometimes a little maysusan is sprinkled on such dressings.

As for the food that such patients are fed, this is, for example, barley water and decoctions of the vegetables mentioned above, as well as these vegetables themselves in boiled form. They are also given chicory boiled with fresh coriander, lettuce, boiled beets, sour milk, and snail meat, and for fruits - hawthorn, quince and pears; They are not given in large quantities so that they do not cause excessive binding and also do not create blockages. They also give apples, sweet and sour pomegranates, unripe grape juice, the astringent effect of which is weakened by something softening, Syrian mulberries, rhubarb, the effect of which is weakened, before meals and after meals - vinegar with olive oil, prepared with pomegranate juice and pomegranate seeds, melon, not too sweet, especially the one called Raqqa, Palestinian or Indian. Those of these substances, which, along with a cooling effect, also have an astringent property, should not be taken constantly, because they create blockages. There is nothing wrong with a hard, little sweet watermelon, or with grapes with tough meat and little sweetness, especially sweet and sour grapes. Stews made from mung bean, quinoa, pumpkin, spinach, lentils, acidified and non-acidified, help such patients. Some doctors even allow them raisins; it should be slightly sour. The nuts do not have much of a hot property, they open blockages and provide good nutrition; they should be mixed with substances that have a somewhat cooling property.

Among animal foods, small fish boiled in isfidbaj or with vinegar is useful, as well as sour gravies and karises made from tender meat - the meat of kids and easily digestible birds, for example, the meat of male partridges and wood pigeons, not too fatty, as well as turtle doves. The stomachs of water birds, geese and chickens in acidified form and sparrows in acidified form are useful for them, but the liver, spleen and heart, and coarse meat, such as the meat of adult goats, sheep and sinewy animals with coarse meat, are harmful. As for the meat of a young cow in the form of carice, it is useful for patients with a strong stomach and good digestion. If the liver is hot in nature, you should avoid eggs that are boiled until hard or baked, and abstain from anything too fatty. Wine is very harmful to such patients. If it cannot be avoided due to habit or weak digestion, then you should drink liquid, light wine in small quantities.

Cold mode. One of the remedies that helps such patients is taking wormwood wine with honey sikanjubin. A person with a cold liver is sometimes helped to sleep through the night by taking wormwood cakes; the well-known intoxicating seeds bring the greatest benefit in this case. It is also beneficial to consume the milk of pregnant camels - Arabian, but not others - with axlepiade sugar in an amount of five to ten dirhams: this balances the nature of the liver, removes cold juices by relaxing and expelling urine and opens blockages. A more powerful remedy is to sleep through the night by taking turmeric medicine or lakka or athanasiya medicine and take the bush medicine and ginger jam with celery juice in the evening, as well as the bush and lakka cakes mentioned in the Pharmacopoeia. Or they drink on an empty stomach two dirhams of hemp and hoofed grass and wash it down with wine. Among the decoctions, a decoction of the bush and wormwood, mentioned in the Pharmacopoeia, helps, which is drunk with two dirhams of sweet almond oil or two dirhams of pistachio oil; it is more effective if you drink it with spikenard oil, almond oil or castor oil. A matbook of this kind is also useful. They take fennel seeds, celery seeds, anise, mastic - two dirhams each, celery root bark and fennel root bark - ten dirhams, sable grass, Rum wormwood - five, lakka, fragrant cane, sweet and bitter bush, rhubarb - each three, fragrant rush inflorescences - four. All this is boiled in four ritls of water until the amount of water is reduced to half, and four uqiyas are drunk every day with pistachio oil in the amount of one and a half dirhams or with sweet almond oil in the amount of two dirhams.

Sometimes such patients benefit from the use of hot dressings or hot plasters, for example, Ustumachikun patch or Philagria dressing, or dressing with clover officinalis, as well as dressings made, for example, from the bush, myrrh, sumbul, spikenard, calamus, fenugreek, etc. similar. A good bandage for such a case. Take aushina, barberry, mastic, sweet clover, sumbul, rhizomes of blue iris and rose - equally, boil the composition in mastic oil until it boils, and take it warm in the morning and evening. Another good dressing. Take the inflorescences of sweet clover, the seeds of wingless moringa, mastic, wild cumin and amom - three darakhmi each, sabur, wormwood herb and its inflorescences - six darakhmi each, aromatic sumbula and Ceylon cinnamon - two dirhams each, orris root and leaves marjoram - eight darachmas each and ushshaka - twenty-four dirhams, incense and turpentine gum - twelve dirhams each, wax - one and a half ritl, henna oil - enough to make porridge. Also: take amom - one uqiya, balsam tree grains , bdellium, wild cumin, henna, myrrh, frankincense, saffron - one and a half uqiyas each, Syrian sumbul - two uqiyas, turpentine tree gum - six uqiyahs.Frankincense and bdellium are dissolved in wine, in which saffron and turpentine tree gum are also dissolved, diluted in the infusion of spikenard, dry medicines are ground with spikenard oil and wine and a little wax is added; this composition is used in the form of a medicinal dressing. Also: take quince, barley flour, wax, veal bone marrow, rose oil, wormwood, henna, sumbul, saffron , ungulate, "orris root", cloves, usshak, mastic, Nabataean resin; hot and cold of these medicines are taken in the required quantity and applied in the form of a plaster.

As for the nutrition of such patients, let them eat a crumb of hot bread, soaked in wine or soaked in handikun, light varieties of meat: the meat of sparrows, larks, turks, male partridges, goose stomachs - all this is especially useful when fried. They also eat roasted vegetables with spices, cabbage boiled three times in water, seasoned with hot spices - Chinese cinnamon, pepper, cumin and the like, and chopped rue; Stews prepared, for example, from fenugreek, with a crumb of hot bread, are also useful. Sometimes chicory, especially very bitter, is added to the food of such patients. Some doctors say that heavily boiled millet is beneficial for such patients, but this, in my opinion, is not true. As for snacks, that is, fruits and the like, good things are, for example, chestnuts, fleshy raisins and, especially, pistachios; Some doctors say that such patients should abstain from pistachios and almonds, since they are hard on the stomach, but one should not pay attention to their words regarding pistachios. Among the things that are useful for them is snail meat, especially when seasoned with spices; they should avoid fats, milk, fresh fruits, fish and rough meats.

Regimen for dry liver. Such a nature is treated with well-known moisturizing foods, as well as vegetables, ointments, dressings and drinks, diverting it towards heat or cold as necessary. At the same time, you should not moisturize excessively, so as not to lead to “disorder of absorption, flabbiness of the body and” dropsy of the meat.”

Wet mode. It is treated with physical exercise, reduced nutrition and the intake of thinning and moisture-absorbing substances, especially those that, while absorbing, also dry; At the same time, reduce drinking water and abstain from milk. You should not dry it particularly hard - this would dry out the whole body.

Hot and dry mode. A person with such a nature should eat cold and damp foods and cold and damp vegetables, especially chicory, and abstain from things that are very cold and bind. One of the very useful remedies for such a patient is donkey milk; let a weak patient drink it up to seven astars at a time with a small amount of candy sugar, and a strong one - up to ten astars. Cold, wet bandages are also used. At the same time, you should be especially diligent in moisturizing so as not to bring the body to relaxation. Such patients should abstain from rice, cumin and spicy seasonings, as well as pistachios in large quantities; As for a small amount of pistachios, sometimes it does not harm, since pistachios are generally good for the liver. Let them also avoid rough meat and rough organs of animals with good meat, such as liver and spleen.

Mode for hot and humid conditions. Use cooling foods and medicines with some astringent and drying properties. When harmful juices are present, solvents are also used, even if they do not have the ability to absorb, for example, cheese whey and candy sugar. Or they take the squeezed juice of the stem of nightshade and bladder cherry in an amount of from fifty to forty parts by weight with two misqals of sabur for a strong patient - for a weak patient they take less - or half a miskal of iyaraja with two astars of the laxative cassia, diluted in one uskurraj of nightshade juice, or chicory juice, or one, cassia laxative in chicory juice or fennel juice, or nightshade juice.

Treatment of cold, dry nature. They use hot, fatty softening dressings in the form of patches or others, and use hot porridges: medicine from lakka, medicine from turmeric, “king’s porridge”, amrusiyya, atanasiya and kuka, or fandadikun dough in the amount of one himmusa or bakilla with root juice, in which contain wet oils, as well as liquid, strong wine. If constipation is observed, then they use pills of this kind: take sagapen, usshak, opopanax in equal parts, celery seeds, anise - half a part of each, and prepare pills from them. Either they limit themselves to sagapen, or they take sagapen with one of these substances, depending on what is needed. The weight of one or both substances is equal to the total weight of the medicine if they are all taken together. The weak are given a misqal to drink at one time, and the strong are given two misqals. Care must be taken not to allow the body to relax too much.

Mode in cold, damp conditions. They consume food and medicines that have warm, astringent, thinning and absorbent properties. If there is matter, then you carefully remove it with the help of, for example, strong juices of roots, bladder cherry or iyaraja Archigen; prescribe a gentle, liver-warming regimen. Let the sick person's food be light meat with spices, and drink strong, liquid, clean wine in small quantities. Also use strong laxative porridges in accordance with what the time and condition of the patient require, and use dissolving dressings externally.