Treatment for blood thickening in the stomach and bladder

We say that the patient should, if possible, induce vomiting with squeezed celery juice. Teryak with printed clay also helps with this. Ground safflower, if dissolved in water, is very useful, as well as the following medicine, take printed clay - eight dirhams, hare rennet - thirty-six dirhams, gazelle rennet - thirty-two dirhams, gentian - four dirhams, round aristolochia - four dirhams, seeds of wild rue - four dirhams, myrrh - four dirhams, asafoetida - four dirhams, all this is mixed with honey and given at once about javza in hot water or in sikanjubin.

Or they take the ashes of fig wood - two dirhams, with one bowl of hare bone marrow - I think they mean hare rennet - dissolve both in wine vinegar and drink. Andaran salt with kid rennet or a bowl of dog feces also helps. When there is thickening of blood in the bladder, it is especially useful to give the patient the squeezed juice of the leaves of the golden tree; it has a wonderful special property in this case. And let the patient constantly drink sikanjubin, teryak, mithridate, strong diuretics, as well as Chernobyl leaves, asafoetida, squeezed celery juice and radish seeds, all with sikanjubin or vinegar, for vinegar is an excellent medicine in this regard. They also give a bowl of wild cumin in hot water, or half a bowl of asafoetida, or one dose of agaric, or tortuous gill, or a little of some rennet, or two dirhams of balsam tree grains, or two dirhams of fragrant marigolds, or two dirhams of peony wood. They also use stone-crushing medicines in the form of a drink, enema or ointment, or inject about one nava of salt into the patient’s bladder, grated and dissolved in water, or use water with vine ash. If all this does not work, then it is impossible to do without cutting out the clotted blood, which is removed as a stone is removed.