Treatment of ulcers in the chest area and treatment of consumption

As for the ulcer, if it is in the breathing tube, the medicine quickly reaches it. The patient should lie supine, keep the medicine in his mouth and swallow the saliva little by little, without sending a lot of it down the throat at once, as this will cause a cough. You need to relax the throat muscles so that the medicine goes down into it without causing a cough. Medicines used in this case are adhesive and drying agents, which are also mentioned in the paragraph on consumption. And for ulcers in the chest and lungs, which we have already discussed, washing and cleansing agents should be injected there. The sick person is told to lie on the affected side, cough and rock, or is gently rocked. Sometimes pus is removed by first injecting honey-sweetened water into the ulcer with an instrument that draws out the pus. When we have cleared the ulcer of pus and there is hope that there is no pus left there at all, we use healing medications. Among cleansing and cleansing medicines for such a disease, there is nothing better than honey: it is both a cleansing agent and a food that is kind to nature and does not harm ulcers.

As for ulcers in the lungs, the measures taken for it are twofold. Some of them are true cures, while others are ulcer care. True treatment is possible only when the disease is treatable, we have already described it, and consists of cleansing the ulcer, drying it, diverting matter from it, delaying catarrh and promoting the closure of the ulcer. You have already been told before about measures to prevent catarrh, and this should be the basis for you in the treatment of this disease. Their essence is to cleanse the body, divert matter from the head to the lower limbs and strengthen the head so that excesses do not multiply in it; one should also retain the matter flowing from the head into the lungs and divert it in the other direction. Purification should be carried out by bloodletting and with the help of drugs that remove various excesses, such as, for example, kukaya pills, especially if bdelium and gum are added to them. Sometimes you need medicines that remove black gall juices, for example, dodder and the like.

It is often necessary to repeat emptying to reduce the amount of excess. Emptying should be done with the help of medicines and by bloodletting, after which the incision is bandaged and then the bloodletting is repeated, especially in patients with a strong body.

Among the things useful for eliminating the harm from catarrh is the use of diyacusa, especially that which is prepared from poppy seeds, as stated in the Pharmacopoeia, as well as some other diyacusa. One of the means that helps to dispose the nature to this method of treatment is to move to an area where the air is dry. The patient is treated there and given milk to drink. It is necessary that he sits upright for the most part, with his neck stretched up and forward, so that the parts of the lung lie one above the other and the parts of the ulcer are constantly adjacent to each other and remain in a natural position. The doctor should not persistently calm the cough and delay spitting with the help of drugs that prevent expectoration of sputum, because this is very dangerous, although the patient seems to feel better.

As for the treatment of an ulcer, measures are taken to help it harden and dry out so that it does not spread or expand. If this does not give hope for complete closure and healing of the ulcer, then one can hope to prolong the patient’s life, although this is not a pleasant life, and the patient suffers at the slightest mistake in the regimen. Such drying agents tighten and dry the lungs and close the ulcer, although they do not completely heal it. A doctor who follows this path should not use milk at all for treatment, and honey is, so to speak, a chariot for cures for consumption, and there is no harm in it for ulcers.

Cleansing of ulcers is carried out by the mentioned cleansing agents and a decoction of hyssop, which is mentioned in the Pharmacopoeia among the remedies for consumption. A licking medicine made from lenticular vetch with cotton seeds, also mentioned in the Pharmacopoeia, is more powerful, and an even stronger remedy is a licking medicine made from sea onions with donkey milk. Sometimes it is necessary to add blinding and adhesive substances to these medications; they often also resort to using numbing agents to stop coughing and allow the medicine to work; in this case, an encouraging, strengthening regimen is required. We listed such purifying medicines for you at the beginning of the previous paragraphs and mentioned them also in the paragraph on suppuration. Common among them are pottages made from vetch and pottages made from chickpea and spelled flour, in which Syrian leek is placed, as well as this leek itself in the form of a decoction and honey waters, in which cleansing and healing medicines were boiled; all this has already been told to you before. This also includes drying medicinal porridges, for example, Kammuni and Atanasiya, as well as licking medicines made from flaxseed; As for mithridate and teriyak, if you use them from time to time, especially at the beginning of the disease and when there is no severe emaciation, and also if there is no fever leading to severe exhaustion, it is beneficial. Printed clay is a most useful thing for consumption at any time, just like Armenian clay and all the medicinal dressings, compresses and cleansing rubs that we mentioned.

If the ulcers in the chest and lungs are old, then it is useful to give the patient to swallow a small spoon of kitran in the morning, either with honey or with a small amount of liquid maya with honey. If the patient has a fever and you are afraid of hot cleansers, but cold ones do not help, then take fox lung, fennel seeds, pure licorice juice boiled until thick and squeezed Venus hair juice with the addition of condensed sugar water. This is an excellent remedy. Sometimes, for this disease, various types of drying and cleansing fumigations are used, which are performed through a funnel. Arsenic with pepper, from which nuts are made, adding egg whites, also belongs to the same means; This includes sweet olive leaves with mountain cow feces and goat kidney fat, as well as arsenic with hare feces in equal parts, or eggshells with arsenic and goat kidney fat, or arsenic with sheep oil. One such remedy is arsenic with aristolochia and the bark of the roots of the caper plant. Take equal amounts of all this and add honey and ghee. They also use pine nuts with galbanum and kitran grounds, as well as orpiment with sesame oil. Whenever the patient’s nature becomes excessively hot, he is treated with camphor lozenges for several days, and then again they resort to drying the ulcer.

As for nutrition, the patient is given turach, seasoned with spices and fragrant herbs, and at the beginning of the disease, pure white wine is not prohibited. He must constantly smell the flowers and lie down all the time, being calm and still, and avoid anger and irritation. He should not be told sad news.

Here is one of the remedies that I have tested many times on people of different body types and in different countries. The patient should constantly take as much fresh sugar julanjubin as he can every day for a year, at least a lot and even with bread. Then you should observe him: if his breathing has become constricted due to the drying effect of the roses, then he is given the right amount of hyssop syrup to drink, and if he has a fever, he is given camphor cakes to drink. This treatment is not changed, and the sick person recovers.

If it were not for the fear of being accused of lying, I would tell about the miracles and would certainly name the amount of julanjubin that one consumptive woman took. Things got to the point with her that her illness dragged on and put her to bed, and they even called a woman to prepare her clothes of death. But then one of her brothers took care of her and used this method of treatment for a long time, and she survived, recovered and gained weight. It's impossible for me to even tell how much julanjubin she ate.

Sometimes dryness and weight loss of the patient forces him to consume milk and milk, which nourishes, moisturizes, balances the spoiled juice and glues the ulcer with a curdled substance, and also cleanses it of pus and matter due to the cleansing property of the watery part of the milk. This regimen often even leads to healing from malignant ulcers in the lungs, unless their use is intended to cause hardening. The most suitable milk is woman's milk, which is sucked directly from the breast, then donkey's milk and goat's milk, mainly due to the astringent effect of goat's milk. Mare's milk is also a remedy for cleansing ulcers and relieving expectoration, but it does not, I believe, have the nutritional value of goat's milk. As for cow's and sheep's milk, it is somewhat rough; if you can suck it straight from the udder, that's better. Animals that are milked should be fed grass that is effective in curing ulcers. As for healing herbs, these are, for example, bindweed, “shepherd’s staff”, buckthorn, “poor man’s rope” and the like. Cleansers and expectorants include, for example, thyme, bee saliva, red clover and even yattu. Anyone who has started drinking milk should monitor the rest of his regimen: if he makes a mistake in something, milk often turns into trouble for him.

One doctor, a researcher of medical science, describes how to drink milk. Here's the gist of what he said, with our corrections. You must choose the donkey that brought a foal four months or five months ago. Then they take a container for milk and wash it with water; if it has been milked before, then it is washed with hot water, hot water is poured into it and then it is left to stand so that what was in it before, if anything, dissolves in the water. After this, it is washed again with hot and cold water. Then the vessel is placed in hot water and half a skurraj of milk is milked into it, that is, the amount that is given to drink on the first day, if the disease proceeds well. Otherwise, give more, in the quantity that you consider and deem necessary. And on the second day, feed the patient twice the amount of milk milked in the same way. If your nature is strong on the first day, then put a little sugar in the milk that you give to drink on the second day, and on the third day do the same as you did on the first day. If the nature has not softened on the second day, and especially if it has not softened by the third day, give the patient two uskurrajs of milk with two danaks of Indian salt and with starch from half a dirham to one and a half dirhams.

The patient is given milk all the time and half a scurradzhi is added every day; If you reach the sixth day and your nature does not respond with relaxation, then take three cups of milk and mix it with sugar, salt, almond oil and starch. And if nature responds in more than three sittings, then do not mix anything into the milk after that and reduce the amount of milk; In general, it should not be that the weakening of nature during the day and night exceeds three times or is less than two times. If such treatment benefits the patient, then feed him milk for three weeks. One of the researchers says that when drinking milk, be it from a donkey or other animal, it is best to keep the milk in a wooden vessel. The best milk is the milk of an animal that grazes in places where thinning, cleansing and at the same time astringent and drying herbs grow, for example, wormwood and other such herbs, cypress wormwood, yarrow santolin, dubrovnik, blackberry. A

As for goat milk, it is best to add a little water to the fresh milk; to boil it, you should heat the stones and dip them into the milk several times until it is cooked and the watery part leaves. This kind of milk is digested better than milk boiled over a fire. One should also keep in mind the softening of the nature, unless, of course, there is diarrhea, in which case tursus should be put in the milk, or if there is a strong cough, then tragacanth in the amount of one dirham should be put in the milk. And if the stomach is weak, then add cumin and loaf to the milk. Boiled milk, if only the consumptive digests it well, is sufficient nutrition for him; If a patient with consumption develops a fever after drinking milk, then drinking it should be stopped.

As for dug, it should be taken in case of severe fever and diarrhea: it is very useful for such patients. The best results are obtained if you leave the sour milk to stand overnight in a moderately warm room, having first removed all the oil from the milk, and in the morning shake it vigorously so that the parts of the milk are thoroughly mixed with each other. Then they take flatbreads made of good white wheat flour, perfectly baked, with holes pierced with an awl, such as those called barazadeh in Persian. Ten dirhams of flatbreads are filled with thirty doug dirhams and allowed to be swallowed from a spoon, and on the second day ten doug dirhams are added and the amount of bread is reduced by one dirham. Do this all the time until only sour milk remains, and then, if the patient no longer needs the milk and signs of health appear and the illness has subsided, reverse the procedure: reduce the milk all the time and add cakes until there is no milk left at all. If any of these patients develop diarrhea, it would be a good idea to dip a hot iron into the arc several times; here we should refer to what is said about this in the Pharmacopoeia.

Food for such patients are adhesive substances, for example, white bread, noodles, millet gruel; rice also cleanses and builds meat. Good boiled barley gruel glues and cleans; it is suitable for severe fever, especially if it is eaten with crayfish whose limbs have been torn off and which have been washed many times in water with ash. It is especially good with cold vegetables, as well as lentils. Vials made with starch and used with cucumber and melon sometimes facilitate expectoration, and if the fever is mild, then there is nothing better than cabbage, asparagus and cleansing substances. As for salted fish, if you eat it once or twice, it is useful in terms of cleansing; if the ulcer is malignant, then avoid salted fish, as well as anything salty. And if you feed the sick with meat, then let it be, for example, the meat of partridge, chickens, larks and sparrows; all these birds should not be well-fed. It is best to feed it with fried meat so that it dries out and heals more strongly. Cow's feet are also excellent due to their stickiness, as is charcoal-grilled fish. And if the patient wants broth, then add honey to it.

Consumptives can be taken to the bathhouse before meals or after meals, unless they have blockages in the liver: the bathhouse fattens and strengthens them. The water they drink should be from rain. As we said earlier, consumptives often have hemoptysis. In this case, the best flatbreads are the following:

Good flatbreads. They take printed clay three dirhams, starch, Armenian clay and red rose for four dirhams each, amber, myrtle seeds for six dirhams each, burnt crayfish and purslane seeds for ten dirhams each, corals, tragacanth, bamboo concretions, bloodstone for each five dirhams, doudi gum and squeezed salsify juice, both for seven dirhams. All this is mixed with the juice of garden purslane or the juice of fresh roses and turned into flat cakes, which are drunk with kissa juice or rainwater. Often consumptives suffer from a sealed uvula and begin to snore and wheeze because of this, so sometimes they even have to cut out the uvula.