Medicines that build up meat in wounds and ulcers

You already know what the properties of meat-building medicines are and what they should be by nature. Medicines that increase meat should be used after first cleaning the sore spot from dirt and the like, and if the base of the wound is only bone, then this bone is cleaned and dried to the extreme, without leaving any darkening, rot, films or moisture there. so as not to dry it out, especially on the head. The fact is that the smoothness and moisture of the bone is one of the reasons that prevents the growth of meat in the wound, and when the bone is scraped out and made hard, the matter formed in it, from which meat is born, becomes stable.

Know that sometimes medicine builds up flesh in one body or organ and does not build up in another, for medicine in one body dries up the moisture, but in another it does not dry out, depending on the nature of the body, as you know, tearing off juices in one body also sometimes becomes excessive , but in another body - not, or this medicine does not even come off at all. The point here is that this medicine requires for the growth of flesh some draining and some tearing, the degree of which depends on the nature of the body, and not on drying and tearing in general, and the effect of what this determines is not the same in relation to things that differ in the strength of the reaction on impacts. Any drying medicine, the dryness of which is less than the dryness of the patient’s body, is also not capable of increasing meat, and it must be drier; therefore, incense, for example, does not increase meat in dry bodies, the dryness of which goes beyond moderate. Only experience allows you to find out what the medicine is in relation to dryness - whether it grows the meat constantly or intermittently, and whether the wound becomes dirty; if you see such dryness that the meat hardly grows, then moisten the medicine a little, and if the medicine pollutes, then increase amount of dry medicine, but do not touch the medicine, the strength of which is constant.

In the body of some people, sometimes there is also an affinity for certain drugs, the cause of which is not established, so it is necessary to mix different drugs, both strong and weak. As for the preparation of plasters and the need for them, you already know about this.

As has already been said, when using medicines, one should not limit oneself to only drying or moisturizing, without taking into account both active qualities, or drying and moistening in the presence of these two qualities, without taking into account the relationship between the state of the wound and the state of the body’s nature, because sometimes the body is wet, and the wound is dry, sometimes the body is dry and the wound is wet, sometimes both are wet, and sometimes both are dry. In the first case, you use weaker medicines, for example, frankincense, bean flour, barley flour and the like, and if the body is dry, but the ulcer is very moist, you need medicines that are very drying in comparison with medicines that increase meat, for example, aristolochia, root popanaxa and burnt vitriol; in other cases, average medicines are needed - such as orris root and lupine flour.

Sometimes it happens that a particular medicine has some qualities necessary for medicines that increase meat, for example, drying and tearing, but their degree is excessive, and the medicine, due to, for example, strong drying, retains dirt in the wound and prevents the formation of matter, and as a result excessive tearing becomes corrosive. If you mix it with another medicine that is opposite to it, it somewhat weakens and balances it, and the medicine becomes increasing. This is, for example, verdigris, if you combine olive oil with wax with it, and both of these substances moisturize and pollute the organ, then they resist the drying effect and strong tearing property of verdigris and it becomes healing. When using wax ointment for a drier body, it should contain one tenth of verdigris, and when using it on a wetter body - one twelfth. When using such medicines, you should also keep in mind the test that we talked about above.

Old people need hotter and more attractive medicines, which include, for example, zift, frankincense, barley flour, bean flour, vetch flour, iris root, aristolochia, iclimia and opopanax herb. When the medicine refuses to help, you move on to another, and if the wound still doesn’t respond, you treat it with special medicines for ulcers.