Lysosome (Tysosome)

Lysosome (Tysosome) is a membrane-bound organelle that contains hydrolytic enzymes that break down substances in the cell. There are especially many lysosomes in the cells of the liver and kidneys. Foreign particles (for example, bacteria) entering the cell are broken down under the action of enzymes contained in lysosomes. When a cell dies, these enzymes are released and break down its contents.

Lysosomes are small membrane-bound organelles that are present in most cells in the body. They play an important role in breaking down substances inside the cell and removing waste. Lysosomes are bounded by a membrane that contains hydrolytic enzymes. These enzymes break down various substances such as proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Lysosomes are especially abundant in liver and kidney cells, where they help maintain body homeostasis. When liver or kidney cells are damaged, lysosomes are activated and begin to break down the damaged tissue, which helps speed up the healing process.

However, if lysosomes cannot cope with the breakdown, this can lead to the accumulation of toxic substances inside cells. This can cause various diseases such as diabetes, obesity, atherosclerosis and others.

In general, lysosomes play an important role in maintaining the homeostasis of the body and protecting it from damage. However, their dysfunction can lead to various diseases, so it is important to monitor their work and maintain the health of the body.

Lysosomes: role and significance in our lives

A lysosome or tysozome is a membrane-bound structure within cells that performs the function of breaking down substances. This process can be caused by the entry of foreign particles into the body. Like the alimentary canal, the lysosome contains enzymes that help the body understand what to do with that element. These enzymes work depending on the type of element that has entered the body and can have different effects on it.

Humans and many other animals and plants have lysosomes in their bodies. They can help the body fight disease and other problems and are important components for maintaining health. For example, in humans, lysosomes are found in large quantities in the liver and kidneys, since these organs play an important role in regulating metabolism and maintaining the health of the body. However, if there is a lack of lysosomes in the body, or they are inactive, this can lead to a number of problems, such as disease and metabolic disorders.

In addition, we use lysosomes in the treatment of various diseases. Lysopharma is a bioengineered lysosome designed to bind to peptides such as melanin, which are located in the melanin defenses of mucous membranes and skin. This promoted drug accumulation at target receptors and protection from environmental exposure. Lysoforms also help in the treatment of heart failure as they help remove toxins from the blood. In addition, they can be used to treat cancer and other diseases associated with insufficient lysosome activity