Block pull. (lower block thrust, upper block thrust)

Upper block pull is essentially an alternative pulling up. The physics of the movements is the same, only in pull-ups you work with your own weight, and in the version with a block - the weight of the simulator load.

Just like pull-ups, lat pull-downs can be divided into:

  1. Pull of the upper block behind the head.
  2. pull of the upper block to the chest.

Same thing with exercise. pull of the lower block. At its core, it is an alternative "Bent over barbell row".

Therefore, for all exercises in the class "block thrust" all the nuances and principles of alternative exercises described by us in the relevant sections are valid.

The only thing worth mentioning is that when doing on blocks for a set of sitting position, fixing the back and legs, initially the correct angle, the exercise is more concentrated And clearly affects the muscles we need, excluding all third-party groups from the work and nipping in the bud all possible options cheating.

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