Medicinal Raw Materials

Medicinal raw materials are all plants, fruits, vegetables and berries that contain useful substances necessary for the treatment of diseases. Each medicinal plant material has its own unique properties and can be used for various diseases. In this article we will talk about how to properly collect, dry and store medicinal raw materials so that they retain their medicinal properties.

Collection of plant materials is the first stage in the process of preparing medicines. It is important to follow the collection rules, since improper collection can lead to the loss of the medicinal properties of the plant. For example, you should not collect inflorescences during rain or hot weather, as they may lose their properties due to high temperatures. It is also important to collect plants away from roads and industrial sites to avoid contamination.

Drying is the second stage, which is necessary to preserve the medicinal properties of medicinal raw materials. If the dried plant has not been preserved properly, it may lose its potency. For drying, you must choose a dry and warm place, protected from direct sunlight and insects. You also need to ensure that the raw materials are not located near sources of moisture.

Store medicinal raw materials correctly to preserve their medicinal properties for as long as possible. It must be stored in a dark place, protected from moisture and direct sunlight. It is also necessary to ensure that raw materials are not stored near other products or substances that may be toxic to plants.

In conclusion, we can say that medicinal raw materials play an important role in medicine. This is not only a way to treat diseases, but also an opportunity to improve health. Collection, drying and storage of medicinal plant materials require certain knowledge and skills, however, by following all the preparation rules, you can significantly improve the effectiveness of medicinal products and increase the duration of their use.