Li Da capsules are a source of lightness!

The current time can be called an era not only of sophisticated technologies, but also of a revision of aesthetic and cultural values. A person’s gaze is now turned not inward, but outward: beauty, health and youth are promoted - not only what you are wearing is valued, but also how you look in general.
A person perceives others as a certain image for aesthetic consumption, it has become important to be young and beautiful: our age is the time of transformation from a caterpillar to a butterfly! That is why excess body weight has become not only an aesthetic problem, but also comme il faut, a sign of bad taste. This leads not only to psychological discomfort: very soon arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, varicose veins and many other diseases can occur.

The DVS-Ukraine company strives to fulfill the cherished desire of many women and men to become slimmer and gain lightness. To do this, its employees searched for a long period for products that could help with this.

The result of such searches was cooperation with the Kunming Dali Commercial and Industrial Company (PRC), which is engaged in special research, as well as the production of biologically active complexes and medicinal cosmetics that facilitate the path to beauty and youth. In its products, the manufacturing company has combined the wisdom of ancient civilization with the latest technologies in the field of creating biologically active products. All products of Kunming Dali Trade and Industry Co. are certified and licensed by the State Food and Drug Administration of China (SFDA). Today, the DVS-Ukraine company offers an active complex in capsules, “Li Da,” which helps reduce body weight. This original complex is a pioneer among products for weight correction, acting in three directions:

  1. has a positive effect on metabolic rate;
  2. helps eliminate the feeling of hunger;
  3. helps reduce appetite and change eating patterns.

Ingredients that promote satiety and suppress appetite include fiber and cellulose from sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas), Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus L.), gentian violet, and thermogenics called fat burners. The “Li Da” weight loss complex also includes phytocomponents:

  1. purple medicinal alfalfa (Medicago) and coconut poria (Polyporus fungus, Poria Cocos, Poriafungus) - a mushroom used in ancient Eastern medicine to improve digestion and as a diuretic;
  2. Coleus - contains substances that promote the breakdown of fat cells;
  3. cola fruits (Cola acuminata) and guarana fruits (Paullinia cupana Kunth) - contain caffeine, theobromine, theophylline, niacin, phenolic compounds, tannin, adenine, choline and exhibit a tonic effect;
  4. Garcinia cambodgia - the main active ingredient is hydroxycitric acid. It is believed that phytoextracts from garcinia help slow down the synthesis of fatty acids, as well as reduce appetite; in addition, they are used in sports nutrition complexes;
  5. the fruits of the golden tangerine (Citrus) and the seeds of fenugreek (Trigonella foenum graceum) are widely used in eastern medicine (for example, Ayurveda), since they have a positive effect on metabolic processes in the body, cleansing it.

In the production of the Li Da complex, a special technology for extracting biologically active substances is used, which makes it possible to accurately dose the daily dose of ingredients in each capsule. Thanks to this, taking the complex is reduced to taking it once a day on an empty stomach 30 minutes before breakfast. Although the composition of the complex is balanced, there are times when during the application process, in order to achieve maximum results, it is necessary to make adjustments taking into account individual characteristics. In this case, the specialists of the DVS-Ukraine company provide