A couple of extra pounds is nonsense. A day - and you are back in shape!

How much nerves sometimes cause women to have extra weight at such an inopportune time. But if it’s only a couple of kilograms, it’s nonsense. You can get back into shape literally in a day. As for me, eternal diets are unbearable. In the very essence of any diet there is a powerful negative background. You are forced to live under the sword of Damocles: this is impossible, this is impossible, and those amazing dishes - even more so!

On the other hand, I don’t preach the other extreme - eating everything and in any quantity. Extremes are not harmonious things. Reasonable restrictions are needed. For example:

  1. do not eat after 19:00
  2. don't overeat
  3. do not abuse flour, sweet, fatty foods

But that's what theory is all about. But in practice, sometimes we have to deviate from theories. Holidays happen, and they are all after 19:00. Well, is it wise not to celebrate them? Or sometimes you just really want to eat something that is harmful to the point of indecency: flour, sweets, fatty foods. What if suddenly there are a series of holidays? Several birthdays in a row, suppose? This can turn into a complete disaster for your figure. So what should we do?

Once I conducted an experiment for myself, in how long I could lose, say, a couple of extra pounds. It turned out - within a day. Now I’m not afraid to gain 5 extra pounds, because I know exactly how and in what time I can lose them. My technique is simple and effective, at least for me. I call this a fasting day. From evening to the next evening.

  1. Activated carbon.

I start my fasting day in the evening. I drink activated charcoal before bed. Excellent sorbent. It, like a sponge, will absorb everything that has not been processed and launch a cleansing program.

  1. Sound 8-hour sleep

It is believed that during sleep the body's self-regulatory system turns on. And if the duration of sleep is sufficient, and 8 hours is a sufficient duration of sleep for an adult, then the body will be balanced overnight. All body systems must return to normal.

  1. Glass of water

I start the morning of the fasting day with a glass of clean still water. This is the best remedy that activates the work of all organs and systems.

  1. Passing energy along the meridians

This eastern energy gymnastics has at least two advantages: it distributes energy evenly throughout all vital organs and psychologically adjusts the body to a healthy lifestyle.

  1. Cold and hot shower

With the help of a contrast shower, I stimulate the immune system, which is necessary in order to live this day in conditions that are not entirely familiar to the body.

  1. Oatmeal, sir...

Don’t be alarmed, I’m not insisting that oatmeal must be cooked in English. I just pour boiling water over the flakes and add half a teaspoon of honey to them. I adhere to the principle: if what you intend for a healing effect disgusts you, the effect will be the opposite. Therefore, add honey to oatmeal for pleasure.

  1. Boiled rice

I also don’t cook rice in that well-known and time-consuming way, when you have to soak it in advance and cook it without salt and oil. I'm preparing a glass of rice. I add a little salt (so that there is a feeling of slight saltiness) and butter on the tip of a knife (so that the taste is not completely bland). I divide this glass of rice into 3 meals.

  1. Salads

Between meals of rice I also eat 2 salads. Both with sunflower oil:

  1. from boiled beets
  2. from fresh cabbage

I don’t eat bread or flour in general on this day.

  1. Apples

At 18:00 I eat 2 apples. One is red, the other is green. The varieties of red and green apples are not important, the combination is important.

  1. Rosehip infusion

In the morning I make a rosehip infusion in a thermos. And then throughout the day I drink it 15 minutes before each meal.

  1. Evening jog

In the evening I go to a park or square that is nearby, where it is more natural