How to lose weight by eating meat: a reader’s personal experience

There are a huge number of diets in the world that promise quick weight loss without much effort. But which one really works and won’t harm your health? One of the most popular diets of late is the Dukan diet, which is even recommended by Kate Middleton. To find out how effective this diet is, we talked to Ira, who has been on this diet for six weeks and is successfully losing weight.

The Dukan diet consists of four phases: “Attack”, “Alternation”, “Consolidation” and “Stabilization”. In the first two phases, the main product is proteins, in the third, vegetables and a small amount of cheese are added, and in the fourth phase, a return to a normal diet. For Ira, the Dukan diet turned out to be the most effective: in six weeks she lost more than 7 kg.

Ira tried many other diets, but the results were temporary and the weight always returned. That's why she decided to try the Dukan diet. Despite the fact that alcohol is prohibited on this diet, Ira admits that sometimes she allows herself a little champagne. It is also easy for her to prepare dishes, since many recipes can be found on the Internet on the Dukan diet.

Ira’s ultimate goal is to lose another 7 kg. She is currently in the "Alternation" phase and plans to stick with this diet for about 5 more months. She recommends the Dukan diet to anyone who wants to lose weight, but understands that it is a process that requires time and effort. By following this method of nutrition, you can achieve great results without harm to your health.

It is important to note that every body is different, and what works for one person may not work for another. Before starting the Dukan Diet or any other diet, you should consult your doctor to make sure it is not contraindicated for you.

As a result, the Dukan diet is an effective way to lose weight, but it requires long-term efforts and adherence to rules. Anyone who decides to follow this diet should be prepared that it is a process that requires patience and persistence. However, if you follow all the rules, you can achieve significant results without harm to your health.