Grape diet

Grape diet: beneficial properties and menu for 4 days

The grape diet is an eating method that helps you lose weight and improve your health. It is based on the consumption of grapes and other low-calorie foods that are rich in beneficial substances for the body.

Useful properties of grapes

Grapes contain vitamins B, D, E, C and P, sugars, fiber, pectin, potassium, sodium, magnesium and other elements. These berries have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular and circulatory systems, remove harmful substances from the body, improve kidney function, control the composition of gastric juice and improve food absorption.

When choosing grapes for your diet, it is recommended to give preference to varieties with seeds, as they contain more polyphenols, which slow down the aging process.

Grape diet menu for 4 days

In order to get the maximum benefit from the grape diet, you must adhere to the recommended menu for 4 days:

1 day of diet (800 - 850 kcal):

  1. Breakfast: muesli with orange, yogurt and grapes (mix 150 grams of yogurt, half an orange, 1 tbsp muesli and 100 grams of dark grapes).
  2. Lunch: pumpkin and grape salad + a couple of slices of boiled pork (250 grams of pumpkin fried in olive oil, mixed with grapes and lettuce. Add a little vegetable broth, mustard and vinegar to the oil in which the pumpkin was fried and pour this mixture over the salad. You can add walnuts).
  3. Dinner: fruit salad (white grapes (100 gr.), pineapple (50 gr.), papaya (quarter) tablespoon lemon juice) and chicken breast.

Day 2 of the grape diet (800 kcal):

  1. Breakfast: yogurt (preferably lemon - add a tablespoon of lemon juice to 200 grams of low-fat yogurt and beat, adding 150 grams of grapes).
  2. Lunch: rice (5 tablespoons) and shrimp (fry in olive oil + grapes).
  3. Dinner: potatoes, vegetables (carrots, celery, leeks, + tablespoon of sour cream. Stew everything) and dark grapes.

Day 3 of the diet (700 kcal):

  1. Breakfast: sandwich with curd cheese (wholemeal bread) + 50 gr. grapes
  2. Lunch: fish (300 gr.), stewed with sauerkraut (150 gr.) and grapes.
  3. Dinner: jelly (grape).

Day 4 of the grape diet (850 kcal):

  1. Breakfast: bread with grapes (100 gr.) and cottage cheese (100 gr.).
  2. Lunch: pancakes (dough - 3 tbsp flour, 100 g water + 1 egg. Filling - 100 g cottage cheese, tbsp mineral water + 50 g grapes).
  3. Dinner: stewed turkey, mushrooms, vegetables (stewed with grapes + carrots and sour cream), boiled rice.

When following the grape diet, you need to make sure that your daily calorie intake does not exceed 800-850 kcal on the first and fourth days, and 700 kcal on the second and third days. It is also recommended to drink enough water to allow the body to remove toxins.

In conclusion, the grape diet can help you lose weight and improve your health due to its beneficial properties. However, before starting a diet, you must consult your doctor and make sure there are no contraindications.