Cucumber Diet

Summer, sun, intoxicating smells of herbs - what could be better than this time of year? After all, summer is a time for vacations, a time for relaxation, swimming, and mushroom picking. However, the hot season is good not only for relaxation, but also for recovery and weight loss, because in the summer months generous nature gives us a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables that have various healing properties.

One of nature's most useful gifts is the cucumber. This vegetable is a real storehouse of vitamins; in particular, it contains a very large amount of plant fiber, which has a positive effect on the body. Having studied the beneficial properties of nature's green gift, nutritionists have developed a technique called the cucumber diet, based on the consumption of large quantities of cucumber.

The cucumber diet works as follows: the fiber contained in the pimply fruit helps cleanse the intestines, normalize the water-salt balance, and deep cleanse the skin. This substance also stimulates digestion and metabolism. In addition to fiber, cucumber contains more than 95% water, therefore it acts as a fairly strong diuretic, cleansing the body and removing all toxins, waste, etc. from it.

The cucumber diet is very easy to follow and has a short duration (7 days). The basis of this technique is a special cucumber salad, which must be eaten in three doses.

It is very easy to prepare a healthy dish; for this you need to take a kilogram of fresh cucumbers, wash them and chop them coarsely. Add 30 gr. low-fat sour cream or mayonnaise (the first option is preferable) and add herbs to taste - cilantro, parsley, tarragon, basil, dill, celery, etc. If eating a salad without salt is completely unbearable, you can add a little salt, however, it is better not to do this, so as not to reduce the effectiveness of the diet. Cucumber salad should be consumed in three doses - the first at 12-14 o'clock, the second at 16-17 o'clock and the third at 19-20 o'clock. Before your first appointment, in the morning, you can allow yourself a small cup of coffee with sugar or a light breakfast consisting, for example, of a boiled egg or beef (no more than 200 calories). At night, if you feel very hungry, it is quite acceptable to eat 2 oranges or one large apple.

The cucumber diet is very effective - in 7 days of following it, you can lose 5 kg of excess weight. However, it is worth remembering that the “cucumber diet” is a mono-diet that does not imply a complete, balanced diet and may be harmful to some people. Therefore, before going on a cucumber diet, you should consult a specialist.