Superfoods for young girls

The goal of your diet between the ages of 18 and 28 is to stay fit, maintain a healthy weight, fight off illness, and prepare your body for pregnancy.


Consuming calcium at this age helps prepare the body for pregnancy and childbirth, but also lays the foundation for the future. At this age, the problem of diseases such as osteoporosis, hypertension, and cardiovascular diseases is not acute. However, the risk of their occurrence in the future directly depends on how much calcium your body absorbs in a given period of time.

Bone mass reaches its maximum at the age of 25 years. By including calcium-rich foods in your diet, you ensure the formation of the necessary bone density, which significantly reduces the occurrence of osteoporosis in the future.

The daily calcium requirement for women is 1,000 – 1,200 mg. You can opt for the following dairy products:

  1. Skimmed milk. A good source of calcium, contains vitamin D, which helps calcium absorption. Minimum recommended dosage: 1 glass, 300 mg. Calcium, 90 kcal.

  2. Low-fat bio-yogurt. Bioigurt not only has a beneficial effect on bone tissue, but also on teeth, the health of which in old age depends on how much calcium was present in your diet at the age of 20. Moreover, yoghurts contain lactic acid bacteria, which have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Minimum recommended serving: 220 g, average 120 kcal.

Protein, iron and vitamin C

Protein, iron and vitamin C are also important substances for this age.

Red meat. Meat has come back into fashion thanks to some low-carb diets, such as the Atkin diet and others. Meat is a source of protein and iron. Iron deficiency is very common among women aged 20 to 29 years. It causes weakness, dizziness, lack of attention, reduces resistance to cold temperatures, and disturbances in temperature regulation occur in the body.

Opt for lean meats, as this will allow you to get enough iron without getting too much fat. Minimum recommended serving: 100 gr. lean cooked meat, 200 calories.

Legumes. This is an excellent source of vegetable protein, fiber, magnesium, zinc, copper, iron, which makes them irreplaceable products at any age. However, the high concentration of folic acid, especially in lentils, makes legumes an indispensable product in the diet of expectant mothers.

Research shows that the presence of folic acid in a woman’s diet before conceiving a child significantly reduces the risk of developing nervous disorders in the fetus. Minimum recommended intake: 1 cup of cooked food, about 225 kcal.


If you want sweets, it is better to opt for berries; they are rich in microelements, fiber, vitamin C. Despite the fact that they satisfy the body's need for sweets, when they are consumed, there is no sharp release of glucose into the blood and, accordingly, an increase in insulin levels in the blood. blood.

Some types of berries have interesting properties, such as cranberries, which reduce the risk of urinary tract infections.

Minimum recommended serving: 1/2 cup, 60 calories.