Meat diet

Protein diets have long been popular among those wanting to lose weight. In addition to the well-known Kremlin diet, there is also a meat diet. These nutritional principles are similar, but the meat diet differs in its short period of application - 10 days.

Protein is one of the most important building blocks needed by the body. The optimal daily intake of protein food is about 500 grams.

When eating a meat diet for weight loss, it is recommended to consume meat from any animal. When frying, you can only use olive oil, but it is better not to get carried away with fried meat. In addition, with this diet, the diet is not limited to meat - fish, eggs and vegetables are also allowed. Drinks allowed are tea, coffee (without sugar and milk) and mineral water. It is advisable not to add salt to vegetable salads and season them with olive oil or lemon juice. Daily nutrition should include 5 meals of approximately the same size. It is not recommended to eat after 20 hours. You should not drink during meals or for half an hour after.

When eating a meat diet, the following are prohibited: bread and flour products, sugar, fruits, cereals, carrots, corn, potatoes, dairy products, alcohol and sweet drinks.

Pros of a meat diet:

  1. the body receives a sufficient amount of minerals and vitamins;
  2. when combined with physical activity, you can strengthen muscles and bones;
  3. there is no feeling of hunger.

Disadvantages of a meat diet:

  1. digesting meat requires a lot of effort and time, digestive problems are possible;
  2. Due to carbohydrate deficiency, weakness, headaches, and worsening mood are possible.

In 10 days of strictly following a meat diet, you can lose about 5 kg. It is not recommended to follow this diet for longer than 10 days, since the body also needs carbohydrates. A long-term protein diet can disrupt the functioning of the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract.

A meat diet is not suitable for people under 18 years of age, the elderly, or those with kidney disease or other chronic illnesses.