How to eat to lose weight

How to eat to lose weight

What woman doesn’t dream of losing a few kilograms, perhaps just as thin as the prisoners of Buchenwald? She stocks up on all sorts of weight loss products: pills, powders, drinks, special clothes that melt fat... And? He pops kilograms of pills, washes them down with medicinal drugs, puts on super-panties and super-belts, and then dodges a rich borscht on both cheeks, for the main course he eats a hearty leg of lamb with a side dish, eating it all with a cake with cream or a bun with poppy seeds.

And then the woman complains to all her friends about the injustice: she spent a lot of money on drugs to maintain normal body weight, but they act in the opposite direction, I’m expanding in breadth again.

To avoid such complaints against the creators of diet pills, and to prevent your figure from looking like a punching bag, read today a story about proper nutrition.

  1. Food should be varied and tasty. After a monotonous, tasteless meal, no matter how healthy and satisfying it is, you always want something tasty. The daily diet should include foods from four main groups:
  1. cereals and flakes,
  2. fruits and vegetables,
  3. meat, fish, poultry,
  4. milk and dairy products.
  1. The energy value of the diet (its calorie content) should only cover the body’s energy expenditure for all types of activity and vice versa.
    Control your intake of nutrients and don’t overeat. Most people consume too many calories without noticing it - they eat automatically (for example, while having an interesting conversation or watching TV). Never eat if you have prepared or served yourself too much.

  2. Try to eat most of your food during the day. Be sure to have a hearty breakfast (coarse porridge with milk, an egg, a piece of meat or fish). The main amount of food in the daily diet (up to 65%) should come from daily meals: 2nd breakfast, lunch and afternoon snack. This will save you from evening and night gluttony. Dinner should be relatively light, mainly dairy products, vegetables, cereals such as cereals, etc., but for people with special problems with excess weight, no later than 19 hours.

  3. Try to cleanse your body periodically. Several times a year (depending on lifestyle 1-2 times) it is necessary to carry out a general cleaning of the body, that is, the so-called “body cleansing”. Each such cleaning allows you to remove accumulated toxins and significantly improve metabolism.

  4. Take food 5-6 times a day in small portions. Experience shows that fractional nutrition, even without restrictions in its quantity, leads to a noticeable loss of fat deposits. In addition, such a meal does not stretch the stomach (the larger the stomach, the greater the appetite!). Never eat a lot of even low-calorie food at once and don’t drink a lot of liquid - don’t stretch your stomach.

  5. Categorically refuse to consume and try not to store the following products at home:

  1. sweets, including sugar, honey, jams, candies, chocolates and ice cream, canned fruits and compotes, canned fruit juices,
  2. baked goods made from white flour,
  3. animal fats (lard, butter, fatty ham, salami, etc.).
  1. Once a week you can eat whatever you want, without strict restrictions. Severe dietary restrictions over time cause outbreaks of “brutal” appetite.

  2. Once a week, anyone who wants to lose fat should eat mostly raw vegetables and unsweetened fruits.

  3. Use the dynamic, specific effects of foods to achieve results naturally and painlessly. In other words, if the first piece you put into your mouth during your meals is some kind of protein product (meat, fish, poultry, cottage cheese, etc.), then while maintaining that caloric content of food, you will build muscle and lose fat ! Otherwise