9 reasons to say yes to coffee

  1. Coffee stimulates brain activity
    Caffeine stimulates the central nervous system and improves intellectual abilities. Therefore, many European coffee shops have become centers of business and finance.

  2. Coffee relieves headaches
    Caffeine dilates blood vessels in the brain, easing migraine attacks.

  3. Coffee contains vitamins
    A cup of coffee contains up to 20% of the daily requirement of vitamin P, which strengthens blood vessels, as well as B vitamins.

  4. Coffee relieves fatigue
    In Japan, “coffee saunas” are popular - baths with hot grains to combat fatigue.

  5. Coffee saves you from diabetes
    Coffee helps control blood sugar levels. Regular consumption reduces the risk of developing diabetes.

  6. Coffee has a beneficial effect on the intestines
    The risk of colon cancer is 24-40% lower among coffee drinkers. Caffeine inhibits mutagenic microorganisms.

  7. Coffee helps you lose weight
    Caffeine speeds up metabolism. Coffee wraps fight cellulite.

  8. Coffee protects against tooth decay
    Coffee has a bactericidal effect and prevents germs from settling on the teeth.

  9. Coffee treats allergies
    Caffeine blocks acute allergic reactions caused by histamine.