A hearty French diet

Hearty French diet: a simple path to a slim figure

The French classic diet has become popular due to its effectiveness and simplicity. It does not require grueling fasting, but is based on proper nutrition and portion control. In this article we will talk about a hearty French diet that includes easily accessible foods and will help you quickly lose weight.

First day

Breakfast: black coffee.

Lunch: two eggs with lettuce (no restrictions).

Dinner: lettuce with ham.

Second day

Breakfast: black coffee with crackers.

Lunch: boiled beef.

Dinner: lettuce with ham.

The third day

Breakfast: black coffee with crackers.

Lunch: carrots fried in vegetable oil with fresh tomatoes, plus fruit (preferably citrus fruits).

Dinner: two eggs, low-fat sausage and traditional lettuce.

Fourth day

Breakfast: black coffee with crackers.

Lunch: cheese with fresh carrot salad and one egg.

Dinner: kefir and fruit salad.

Fifth day

Breakfast: grated carrots with lemon juice.

Lunch: boiled fish with fresh tomatoes.

Dinner: boiled beef.

Sixth day

Breakfast: black coffee.

Lunch: lettuce and boiled chicken breast.

Dinner: a piece of boiled beef.

Seventh day

Breakfast: tea.

Lunch: boiled beef and fruit.

Dinner: ham or low-fat sausage.

It is important to remember that during the diet you need to drink as much water as possible and reduce the usual portion by a third. If within a week you have not felt any discomfort, and your weight has begun to decrease, then this diet option is right for you. You can repeat the course for another week. You shouldn't stick to this diet any longer.

In addition, remember the following rules that will help you maintain your ideal figure:

  1. Don't forget about exercise. Regular exercise will help strengthen your muscles and speed up your metabolism.

  2. Limit your consumption of sweets and starchy foods. These foods are high in calories and can cause weight gain.

  3. Increase your intake of protein foods. Proteins speed up metabolism and help you lose weight.

  4. Eat slowly and don't overeat. Allow your body to feel full and do not overload your stomach with too much food.

  5. Drink enough water. Water helps remove toxins from the body and speeds up metabolism.

  6. Avoid snacking between meals. If it is lunch or dinner time, wait until then to eat.

  7. Monitor your weight regularly. This will help you stay on track and respond to weight changes in a timely manner.

As a result, a hearty French diet can be an excellent choice for those who want to quickly lose weight. It does not require exhausting fasting and is based on proper nutrition and portion control. By following the rules for maintaining an ideal figure, you can maintain the results achieved and enjoy your slim figure.