10 myths about wholesome and healthy food

  1. Raw foods are better than cooked ones

It is not always so. Some vegetables, such as eggplants and green beans, contain toxic substances that become harmless only after heat treatment. In addition, raw foods are not always well digested.

  1. Fresh vegetables are healthier than frozen ones

In fact, frozen fruits and vegetables, if stored properly, are almost as nutritious as fresh ones. In winter, fresh vegetables often contain virtually no vitamins after long transportation.

  1. Whole grain bread is healthy

Not always. Excess raw grains can cause food allergies and digestive disorders.

  1. White bread has more calories than bran bread

This is not true. The calorie content is the same, but bran bread is healthier for digestion.

  1. Red meat is bad for you

Not really. It contains proteins, vitamins and minerals. The main thing is moderation and lean meat.

  1. The liver is very useful

It contains a lot of cholesterol and harmful substances. Use with caution.

  1. Fish is good for weight loss

No, it may contain a lot of fat. Choose lean fish.

  1. Fish contains no fat or cholesterol

Contains, but less than meat. Fatty fish are rich in healthy fatty acids.

  1. Fish is good for the brain

No evidence. Phosphorus is not needed for the brain.

  1. Cereals make you look fat

On the contrary, they are a source of “healthy” carbohydrates and help reduce weight.