Rating of fashionable diets

What haven't we sat on! We ate cabbage soup in pots. They crammed only proteins and carbohydrates into themselves. And they even counted the points contained in each product - in the Kremlin way... Meanwhile, more and more new diets are appearing on the horizon. What to do? Go with the flow, obeying fashion trends? To make sense of the dietary sea raging around us, we decided to categorize diets based on their health benefits.

1st place. Greek diet
What do they promise? Minus 1–1.5 kg per week and improvement of the body.
What's the point? You should only eat foods with a low glycemic index (GI), which do not cause a sharp rise in blood sugar levels, and therefore do not contribute to the appearance of extra pounds - oatmeal, black and grain bread, brown rice, peas, soybeans, vegetables and even... .dark chocolate, as well as fruit. Every meal must include protein: lean meat, poultry, fish, seafood, skim milk, legumes. Fats are allowed only in the form of avocados, nuts and, of course, extra virgin olive oil. But salt on your table is persona non grata. To achieve the best result, you need not only to eat right, but also to do aerobics every day for 20 minutes.
Is it difficult to sit on it? Pretty easy. The dishes on the menu are tasty and varied, and there are very few restrictions.
Is it effective? Yes, as a long-term nutrition plan. However, minus 1.5 kg per week is, perhaps, an exaggeration, so typical of southerners. To wait for visible results, you will have to be patient.
Is it good for health? Without a doubt. The Mediterranean diet is one of the healthiest in the world.
Who is it suitable for? Everyone.

2nd place. Diet for the rich
What do they promise? In three days you will lose one size (!), and in two months you will become the owner of a slim, beautiful and healthy body.
What's the point? You need to eat exclusively organic, protein-rich, steamed food. You should include in your diet as many natural foods that contain calcium as possible - milk, cottage cheese, cheese, especially Parmesan, fish (salmon, salmon), green leafy vegetables, as well as mineral supplements. You will have to give up sugar (synthetic substitutes are allowed), wheat flour products, caffeine, and alcohol. Every day you need to devote 40-60 minutes to physical exercise. The diet consists of three parts: ultra-radical high-protein - for three days, simply radical - for the next one or two weeks, gentle - for the rest of your life.
Is it difficult to sit on it? In general, no, if only I had money, free time, the opportunity to buy all the necessary products and prepare them correctly. The nutrition plan contains detailed recipes.
Is it effective? It seems so. The first three days are so strict that losing a size is quite possible.
Is it good for health? In general, yes. The only thing that confuses us is too much dairy products and mineral supplements with calcium, an excess of which can lead to metabolic disorders.
Who is it suitable for? Naturally, rich.

3rd place. Sleepy diet
What do they promise? You'll lose 0.5kg per week, sleep better and live longer.
What's the point? The diet is based on the latest scientific evidence confirming the link between lack of sleep and obesity. The main thing in the method is proper rest. To do this, you must follow the golden rules: only sleep in the bedroom and under no circumstances watch TV, do not eat or work; give up coffee, alcohol, nicotine; learn to cope with stress; walk more in the fresh air; Do gymnastics for at least half an hour every day. And of course stick to a carefully designed three-week nutrition plan. The menu includes soups, low-fat dairy products, vegetables and fruits.
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