The most enjoyable diet: the sushi diet

Today we present to you a review of a new diet based on sushi. One could start praising the beauty and slimness of the Japanese or give examples of Western and Russian stars who adhere to a sushi diet, but we will not do this. Everyone decides for themselves what to use to become slimmer. We will only present the advantages of the sushi diet and the recommendations of nutritionists, and ultimately it is up to you to choose a specific diet. However, I will note: this sushi diet is very tasty! And now more details.

What are the benefits of the sushi diet?

Sushi (rice with fish or seafood) and sashimi (seafood with vegetables or seaweed) are very healthy foods, rich in minerals, vitamins, amino acids, phosphorus, iodine, polyunsaturated fatty acids and many other useful substances. Entering our body, they fight cardiovascular diseases, improve the condition of skin, hair and nails, and have a beneficial effect on brain function.

Seafood is a source of protein. In addition, seafood is considered an aphrodisiac that increases libido. And rice is a source of carbohydrates and fiber, which improves digestion. Everyone knows rice fasting days, and all because rice is able to remove toxins from the body.

So it turns out that sushi is the perfect combination of seafood and rice. Now sushi is not only a delicacy, but also a way to become slimmer.

How to lose weight on a sushi diet

Let's start with the fact that sushi contains quite a few calories, from 60 to 100 kcal, depending on the composition. But with a low calorie content, they are not “empty” carriers of calories and energy, but, as we have already found out, they contain valuable nutrients and a minimum of fat.

Eat sushi in small portions, leisurely, ideally using Japanese chopsticks. As a result, the stomach slowly fills, and we can feel full earlier, which means the risk of overeating is much lower.

Sushi is a hearty meal that takes several hours to digest, allowing you to calmly hold out between meals without feeling hungry and avoiding snacking.

It also warms our souls that we can pamper ourselves with a wide variety of sushi: even in one meal, you can try about 4-5 types of sushi. And given the daily calorie intake on average is 1500 kcal, and after making simple calculations, we can afford up to 25 rolls per day!

Sushi diet schedule

When following a sushi diet, it is important to eat a variety of types of sushi throughout the day, without repeating it. You are supposed to eat about 8 sushi rolls for breakfast, 6 rolls for lunch, and 4 rolls for dinner. Japanese cuisine is quite diverse, so in addition to the sushi itself (and sometimes instead of sushi), you can eat salads, sashimi and miso soups.

It is recommended to drink only green tea.

Nutritionist warnings

Considering the craze for the currently fashionable sushi diet, nutritionists give the following recommendations in this regard:

  1. You shouldn't eat exclusively sushi for a week or longer. Since this is a mono-diet, the body may be satiated with some nutrients, but lack others.

  2. Sushi is hard food for the stomach. The maximum you can afford is a fasting sushi day, and without eating this dish on an empty stomach.

  3. As a rule, raw fish is used in sushi. Therefore, when ordering sushi in a restaurant, you cannot be sure of the quality of the ingredients used and the freshness of the seafood. And this can affect the functioning of the stomach and the health of the body as a whole.

  4. The sushi diet is not suitable for everyone in particular, it is not recommended for people with stomach ulcers, gastritis, or allergies.