Lunch with a nutritionist. A slim figure is a way of life

Lunch with a nutritionist. A slim figure is a way of life.

They say that the right lunch is a salad, first course, second course and compote. How true is this statement? Is the right lunch a salad, hot dish and compote? Traditionally, lunch is the largest meal of the day. But this is rather a rule created for large organized groups, where it is necessary to feed a lot of people at the same time - for example, in workers' canteens. What is rational is the tradition of starting lunch with vegetables. Or fruits, but this is somehow not accepted among us. It is also very important to eat something warm for lunch - it doesn’t matter if it’s soup, meat, vegetables or tea. Warm food ensures comfortable functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. A buffet lunch is bad when only cold appetizers enter the stomach.

How many dishes should you eat at lunch? The important thing is not how many dishes there will be, but what a person actually ate during the day. The main principle of nutrition is variety. There should be products from all main groups - grains, vegetables and fruits, dairy and meat. Fats and sugar stand apart. A person can do without sugar, since glucose is formed from starch, flour products and fruits and vegetables. You shouldn’t forget about fat, but you shouldn’t take care either - it will come with other products. In general, two tablespoons of vegetable oil are enough for a person to cover all his fat needs. At every meal (provided that we eat three to four times a day), we must definitely eat something from grains and vegetables or fruits. And then divide the food in this way: eat something meat in two meals, and dairy in two. But when and what a person will eat, he can choose for himself. It is better to eat more often, 5-6 times a day: breakfast, lunch, dinner, afternoon snack, dinner. And you should also eat an orange at night.

Is soup a must? It's individual. The first course gives volume and saturation - the soup is good in winter. But for a person engaged in sedentary work, soup and a second full plate is too much. Even work after such a lunch is difficult.

Should I drink my food? You need to drink at any time and as much as you want. But, of course, if you have cardiovascular diseases, kidney problems, edema, you need to limit the amount of fluid. The question is what to drink. The best drink is water: non-carbonated mineral water, cooled to 10-12 degrees. Don't be afraid to drink while eating.

Do you really have to get up from the table with a slight feeling of hunger? There is no need to rush at the table - this is a general rule. For children over 3 years of age, nutritional recommendations are the same as for adults, but under no circumstances should a child be hungry! If a person is prone to obesity, and the most dangerous age for weight gain is 30-50 years, a slight feeling of hunger is probably beneficial. A thin person should also not overeat to the point of hiccups, but one should get up from the table not hungry, but with a feeling of satisfaction.

What about alcohol “for appetite”? A healthy person does not need this. There are individual recommendations for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases; a bottle of beer or a little wine with lunch or dinner is prescribed for relaxation. But it is important that this does not turn into alcoholism.

Should you sleep after a hearty lunch? You may not be able to sleep, but it’s worth resting for half an hour - lying down, sitting or walking quietly. Why is it harmful to eat a lot before rest, for example before going to bed? Because calories are not consumed, but stored as fat.

This is how the article turned out on the topic of proper lunch using the proposed description. I tried to preserve the meaning and structure of the source text as much as possible.