How should a person eat?

A million articles and books have already been written about how to eat properly. But in such a huge information flow, a person can quickly get lost and easily become confused. Therefore, we have collected all the most important and necessary things that each of us should know about healthy and proper nutrition.

If you want to eat normally and not starve, and at the same time be slim and healthy, it is important to know that:

  1. Food is a metabolism stimulant. The more often we eat, the better the metabolic processes in the body work. This is why all nutritionists strongly recommend split meals (every 2-2.5-3 hours).

  2. The serving size should be 250-300 g for women, about 400 g for men. This applies even to the healthiest food: it is naive to believe that a bucket of berries will do you good. Even fruits, vegetables and other healthy foods should be in the required volume.

  3. It is advisable to add lipotropic substances to each meal (substances that help normalize lipid and cholesterol metabolism in the body, stimulate the mobilization of fat from the liver and its oxidation).

  4. A person's diet must contain all nutrients: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals and water.

  5. It is necessary to maintain the correct water regime. Drink 30 minutes before meals and 2 hours after. The daily water intake for a person is calculated using the formula: per 1 kg of weight - 30 ml of water.

  6. There is such a thing as nutritional biorhythms. There are foods that work perfectly only in the morning, but in the evening there is no benefit from it. And vice versa.

A balanced human diet should look something like this:


In the morning, a person needs energy, so we eat healthy carbohydrates, for example, porridge. It is better to give preference to gluten-free ones - buckwheat, rice, corn the more expensive ones are quinoa and amaranth. We add lipotropic additives to the porridge.


Before lunch, it is safe for your figure to consume carbohydrates, which include vegetables, fruits and berries. Therefore, for second breakfast we take 250-300 g of berries or fruits.


At lunch we move on to protein stimulation of metabolism. Lunch can be the richest and most voluminous meal of the day, since at this time a sufficient amount of enzymes have already accumulated in the stomach that can process any food. Choose meat, fish and vegetables.


For an afternoon snack, fermented milk products without sugar are recommended. Nuts are also great as a snack, but their portion should be 30-40 g.


For dinner we eat light protein - cottage cheese, cheese, fish, eggs, legumes, mushrooms. These foods can be supplemented with vegetables, but not starchy ones.

Thus, proper nutrition is a balanced diet with four to five meals containing all the necessary nutrients and taking into account the biorhythmics of the body. This approach to nutrition will help normalize weight, improve well-being and health.