Astrological diet

Astrological diet: Aries (March 21 - April 19)
You cannot pass by the stands with cakes or sandwiches and be sure to go to the buffet when you are at the train station. You are an active person, you are always on the move and never forget to refresh yourself with whatever comes your way. Aries has a loose body, but you just can’t muster the courage to do physical exercise. Try to find an acceptable option for yourself - try to start dancing or choose a suitable sport.

Astrological diet for Aries: you need to limit yourself to four meals a day and give up the habit of snacking on the go.

Breakfast (one option):

  1. one soft-boiled egg or “in a bag”, one toast from bran bread, one glass of low-fat yogurt;
  2. 25 grams of unsweetened cereal, diluted with milk, one apple, one banana.

Second breakfast and light lunch (choose two):

  1. two slices of bread with bran, salad from the “unlimited” set, 50 grams of lean ham or chicken (without skin), one apple;
  2. a bowl of lean soup, a wholemeal bun, a salad from the “unlimited” set, 75 grams of salted tuna, one pear;
  3. 150 grams of grilled fish, 125 grams of jacket potatoes, a large portion of mixed salad from the “unlimited” set.

Dinner (one option):

  1. 75 grams of lean meat, boiled carrots or cauliflower, a large portion of mixed salad from the “unlimited” set, seasoned with lemon juice;
  2. one steak, well grilled, baked tomatoes, two tablespoons of corn kernels, a large portion of green salad dressed with lemon juice.

Astrological diet: Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
Taurus has a good appetite, Taurus loves to eat and loves cream cakes. For Taurus, food is one of the main pleasures in life, and the very thought that you will have to give up your favorite dishes makes you despair. Taurus is an insufficiently trained person, but, nevertheless, you always try to take part in any sports games. It is not surprising that this results in bruises and abrasions for you. Do yoga or swimming - it's safer.

Astrological diet for Taurus: Try to satisfy your food needs during a heavy lunch, but the rest of the day you will have to limit yourself.

Breakfast (one option):

  1. one toast of bran bread, a little marmalade, one apple;
  2. one slice of well-grilled bacon, baked tomatoes, two crispbreads;
  3. 25g unsweetened cereal, diluted with milk, small banana.

Lunch (one option):

  1. piece of melon, 250 g chicken leg, fried or grilled (without skin), large portion of mixed salad, bag of low-calorie cookies, small Mars or Snickers bar;
  2. a bowl of lean soup, two crispbreads, 50 g of lean ham with four tablespoons of homemade cheese wrapped in it, a large portion of mixed salad, one pear, one cup of hot chocolate;
  3. two pieces of toast, 125g cooked beans, baked tomatoes, 25g grated Cheddar cheese, two small dry biscuits.

Dinner: Large mixed salad from the "unlimited" set with one of the following additions:

  1. two tablespoons of homemade cheese with chopped pineapple;
  2. 50 g finely chopped boiled chicken (without skin);
  3. two canned sardines in tomato sauce.

Astrological diet: Gemini (May 21 - June 21)
Geminis are constantly chewing on something - nuts, cookies, cakes, leftovers from lunch or dinner. Your mouth is in constant motion... and you can't seem to stop. In Gemini, thick forearms spoil your slender figure. Taurus just can’t pull yourself together and go in for sports, prefers to lie in the sun, instead