5 ways to lose 5 kg by the beginning of the autumn season

  1. Keep a food diary

Write down everything you eat during the day. This will help you track excess calories and get rid of bad habits.

  1. Reduce your portion sizes

Place on a plate 2 times less than usual. Use smaller dishes - this will visually create the effect of satiety.

  1. Get rid of temptations at home

Avoid buying sweets and other treats. Then in the evening they simply won’t be at hand.

  1. Drink more water

Increase your consumption of clean water to 2-2.5 liters per day. This will speed up your metabolism and suppress your appetite.

  1. Motivate yourself

Reward yourself for working out and eating right. Saving money for new clothes is an incentive to continue.

With these simple tips you can easily lose 5 kg by the beginning of autumn!