Organic products - benefit or deception of the buyer?

Organic foods have become very popular recently. They are presented in specialized and online stores, as well as in regular supermarkets and shops. But the question arises, are organic products really healthy, or is it just a marketing ploy to deceive consumers?

Organic products are produced without the use of chemicals and synthetic agents, on environmentally friendly plots of land, far from cities, industrial zones and highways. Organic products cannot contain GMOs. To obtain the status of organic products, it is necessary to certify the production and the products themselves. If the land was previously used in traditional crop rotation, the certification procedure takes 3 years, during which production must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of organic farming.

Organic foods have higher nutritional value. Studies have shown that the ascorbic acid (vitamin C) content of organic vegetables and fruits is 5-90% higher than conventionally grown foods. Organic foods also contain more vitamins and minerals such as Ca, Mg, Fe, etc. than conventionally produced foods.

In the production of organic products, pesticides, agrochemicals, and GMOs are not used, which makes them safer for consumption compared to conventional products. Organic products do not contain harmful residues of pesticides, fertilizers and other inorganic plant and animal protection products.

In addition, organic products have a more pronounced taste, since the dry matter content increases and the water content decreases.

However, not all products that are called organic actually are. Some manufacturers may use marketing tactics to mislead buyers. Therefore, it is important to choose certified organic products that are labeled as such.

In addition, the price of organic products is often higher than conventional products. This is due to the fact that the yield of organic products is lower than on conventional farms, and also because organic products spoil faster, are more often affected by pests, and require significantly more human resources for production.

Thus, organic products have their advantages and disadvantages. It is safer and healthier, but it can be more expensive and not all products that claim to be organic actually are. Therefore, when purchasing organic products, it is important to choose certified products with appropriate labeling, and also consider your financial capabilities.