Watermelons: we eat from the belly. Together with Sergei Bezrukov

Watermelons: we eat from the belly. Together with Sergei Bezrukov.

Filming of the film “Match” with the participation of Sergei Bezrukov, Elizaveta Boyarskaya and Ekaterina Klimova continues in Ukraine. The shooting days in Vasilkov turned out to be incredibly hot. Sergei Bezrukov spent almost the entire day on the site under the scorching sun. During breaks between rehearsals and takes, the actor hid under an umbrella and leaned on a cut watermelon. And he did the right thing! After all, recent studies of the composition of these berries have shown that they are not only tasty and healthy, but also medicinal.

Fructose, which watermelons contain about 8%, is not contraindicated for diabetics, and the presence of potassium makes watermelons beneficial for heart patients. The presence of cellulose and a large amount of water in this juicy berry stimulates the secretory activity of the digestive system. This improves the condition of people prone to constipation. Folic acid and vitamin C have an anti-sclerotic effect, so watermelon can be considered a preventative against atherosclerosis.

If you want to be treated with watermelon not only in season, but also in winter, there is a special recipe for watermelon-heather tincture. To do this, you need to take 3 liters of watermelon juice, settled so that there is no pulp. And mix with “tea” from heather tops (200 grams of flowering heather is poured with 3 liters of boiling water, left for 4 hours, filtered and the volume of liquid is brought to 3 liters).

In the resulting 6 liters of liquid, dilute a liter of honey and add 3 liters of medical alcohol. After 2-3 days of infusion (it is advisable to shake the tincture several times a day), the medicine is poured into bottles and sealed with stoppers. The infusion is taken as a diuretic and choleretic agent for diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract, liver, nephro- and cholecystitis, athero- and cardiosclerosis, to normalize sleep and cholesterol metabolism.

Do not rush to deal with all the stock at once. In a dark, cool place, watermelon-heather tincture does not lose its properties for 1-2 years.