Top 10 “monster” products

Top 10 “monster” products

Your health directly depends on what you eat. Nutritionists have compiled a list of the ten most harmful foods that can cause enormous harm to our body.

  1. Chips
    Fat and carbohydrates, flavor enhancers, additives and colorings – all chips are made up of this dangerous cocktail. French fries are also harmful in their composition.

  2. Alcohol
    Alcohol puts a lot of stress on the liver and interferes with the absorption of vitamins. In addition, all alcoholic drinks are very high in calories.

  3. Chocolate bars
    All kinds of chocolate bars with fillings are a mixture of a huge amount of calories, chemical additives and genetically modified products.

  4. Sausages and sausages
    Almost all sausages and sausages consist of 90% modified soy. The cheaper the price of a product, the less meat you will find there.

  5. Lollipops, chewing candies
    A large amount of sugar, solid dyes, flavors and flavoring additives - this is unlikely to benefit your body.

  6. Sweet carbonated drinks
    Due to the large amount of sugar, dyes and chemicals in your body, irreversible changes can occur.

  7. Fat meat
    Cholesterol contained in fat has a detrimental effect on the entire circulatory system.

  8. Mayonnaise, sauces, dressings and ketchups
    Flavor enhancers are addictive to these products, and they all contain harmful dyes, flavoring additives, various substitutes, etc.

  9. Vermicelli fast