Viagra is called an effective means for weight loss

As a group of scientists from the University of Bonn found, the drug for improving erectile function, Viagra, has one side effect about which nothing was previously known. German scientists have found that sildenafil, which is part of Viagra, can also be used as a means of losing weight.

German scientists were able to find out that sildenafil prevents the breakdown of a specialized protein in brown fat, which activates the burning of energy that enters the body with food. Thus, this substance does not allow white fat to be deposited, which becomes the cause of excess weight.

A number of experiments were conducted on mice prone to obesity, which proved the validity of this theory. Scientists fed mice high-calorie foods and at the same time gave them Viagra in the doses that are prescribed for men with erectile dysfunction.

The results of the experiment showed that after a week of taking Viagra, the rodents, despite consuming fatty foods and being predisposed to obesity, lost weight. Scientists studied the changes that occurred during this time in the body of mice and found that harmful white fat, under the influence of sildenafil, turned into brown fat.

However, despite the proven relationship between weight loss and taking Viagra, scientists do not yet recommend its use as a drug for burning calories, citing the fact that this theory still needs additional research.
