Diet Pyramid

Diet Pyramid: rules and recommendations for a healthy diet

The Pyramid diet is a diet common to Mediterranean countries, based on the principles of healthy eating and scientifically proven properties of foods. At the base of the pyramid are vital elements, and at the peak are seasonings that improve the taste of dishes. The Pyramid Diet recommends eating large amounts of vegetables and fruits, high-fiber cereals, protein foods, fish and seafood, as well as nuts, olives, avocados, peppers, garlic and any herbs as seasonings.

Basic principles of the Pyramid diet

The Pyramid diet is based on five food groups, each of which plays an important role in maintaining health:

  1. Vegetables and fruits. The basis of your daily diet should consist of vegetables and fruits, as they are low in calories and contain many essential vitamins and minerals, improve digestion and provide the body with fiber.

  2. Cereals and pasta from durum wheat. Cereals and pasta contain a lot of fiber and carbohydrates, which provide energy for physical activity, as well as starch, which accelerates the growth of beneficial bacteria in the intestines.

  3. Protein food. Proteins are essential for building and nourishing muscles. It is recommended to consume red meat, poultry, eggs, all dairy dishes and drinks, fish and seafood.

  4. Seasonings and additives. Nuts, olives, avocados, peppers, garlic and any herbs improve the taste of dishes and contain many useful substances.

  5. Beverages. It is recommended to drink at least 6 glasses of water a day, and also drink red wine moderately - 1-2 glasses.

What should you exclude from your diet?

The creators of the Pyramid diet consider all sweets and animal fats, as well as sauces and foods containing preservatives and other chemical additives, unnecessary. It is recommended to replace animal fats and sauces with olive oil, which is the main element of all dishes in Mediterranean countries. Olive oil contains large amounts of antioxidants, vitamin E and beta-carotene, as well as monounsaturated fatty acids, which are easily burned by the body and do not turn into fat.

How to follow the Pyramid diet

To follow the Pyramid diet, you need to measure portions of food. One serving is considered, for example, a glass of milk or kefir, a medium fruit or vegetable, 2 eggs or 100 grams of cereal. It is recommended to eat 7-11 servings of vegetables of different colors per day, while it is better to have yellow or orange fruits and juices (carrots, oranges) for breakfast, eat something green for lunch (cabbage, cucumbers, herbs), and pink or red ones for dinner products (tomatoes, radishes, strawberries or raspberries). Cereals and pasta made from durum wheat should be consumed 5-7 servings per day, and protein foods - 1-2 servings. It is better to lean on fish and seafood, low-fat cottage cheese, kefir or yogurt, and eat little meat and only lean meat.

In addition to proper nutrition, the Pyramid diet also recommends eating breakfast to start the digestion process and reduce hunger throughout the day. The chief nutritionist of the Madrid clinic, Eduardo Moreno, insists that it is imperative to enjoy food in a pleasant environment and dine with family or close friends.


The Pyramid Diet is a healthy and balanced diet that can help reduce the risk of developing many diseases, such as obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, etc. It is recommended to consume large amounts of vegetables and fruits, high-fiber cereals, protein foods, fish and seafood, as well as nuts, olives, avocados, peppers, garlic and any herbs as seasonings. Avoid sweets, animal fats and sauces with preservatives and chemical additives, replacing them with olive oil. Meet the recommended number of food servings per day and enjoy your meals in a pleasant environment.