Autumn-winter diet: switch to citrus fruits

Juicy fruits are now the main source of vitamin C for us. But we value them not only for this...

Try to start your autumn morning not with a cup of strong espresso, but with a glass of freshly squeezed orange and grapefruit juice. You can also eat a colorful salad of vegetables and citrus fruits. These sunny fruits, firstly, normalize blood pressure, and secondly, improve the digestion process, and therefore, you will be able to afford something more substantial and no less appetizing for breakfast.

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When preparing salads and desserts, don't neglect the white skin on the inside of the rind of citrus fruits. It is called by the beautiful Spanish word “albedo”. There are much more vitamins in albedo than in pulp. Of course, white fibers are not the most delicious part of citrus fruits, but still use it if possible. These “cotton” fibers contain very useful substances - bioflavonoids, which activate the immune system to fight various types of allergies. They are especially useful for people suffering from anemia and hypertension.

Which citrus should you choose? The temptation is so great...

Grapefruits, due to their peculiar bitterness, are not to everyone’s taste. But those who watch their figure prefer grapefruits to other fruits. “Fruit of Paradise” has surpassed many of its relatives in nutritional properties. It contains a lot of carotene, vitamin C and pectin.

Oranges are rich in beta-carotene and potassium, which are necessary to maintain the functioning of the heart, as well as pectin, which normalizes digestion and actively removes harmful substances (toxins) from the body.

Lemons are unique in their beneficial combination of vitamins C and P (called the permeability vitamin). Together they strengthen blood vessels, preventing stroke, heart attack and varicose veins. By activating collagen production, this tandem of vitamins improves skin elasticity and prevents its aging.

Tangerines always give us a festive mood and elation. But they are also very good for health. They contain a lot of “heart” minerals - potassium and magnesium. By improving metabolism, these fruits increase appetite and treat hypovitaminosis. The peel of tangerines is rich in essential oils, organic acids, carotene, vitamin C and flavonoids.

Limes have antirheumatic, antiviral and healing effects. They normalize blood cholesterol levels, stimulate collagen production, calm nerves, strengthen gums, and prevent the risk of periodontal disease.

Pomelo improves performance and mood. It is a storehouse of vitamin A and antioxidants, and is also a godsend for those who want to lose weight. Pomelo fruits can reach 10 kg and grow up to 30 cm in diameter.

Source: "Liza" magazine (original title of the material "Citrus: your personal sun")