Sandwich diet: minus three kilos in four days

When we think of diets, we usually think of strict restrictions and fasting. However, there is a diet that not only does not lead to hunger, but also allows you to quickly lose excess weight. We are talking about the sandwich diet.

The concept of the sandwich diet is to eat only sandwiches, but not traditional sandwiches with fatty fillings, but diet sandwiches consisting of whole grain or bran bread and low-calorie foods. Products are distributed evenly throughout the day, which allows you to reduce the number of calories consumed and reduce weight.

By sticking to the sandwich diet, you can lose up to three kilograms within four days. However, it should be remembered that this diet is not suitable for everyone. People suffering from gastrointestinal diseases should avoid this type of diet.

An approximate daily menu for a sandwich diet might look like this:

  1. 8-10 slices of whole grain bread or bran flour;

  2. 200 g sour cream 5% fat, low-fat kefir or cottage cheese;

  3. 1 boiled egg;

  4. 2 slices of boiled or baked lean meat or 100 g of boiled tuna;

  5. 10 g olive oil;

  6. 5-7 olives or half an avocado;

  7. 2 any fruits;

  8. unlimited fresh vegetables and herbs.

It is also important to drink enough water during the day, about 2 liters, and drink tea without sugar, preferably green. Once a day you can allow yourself a spoonful of honey or fresh fruit.

In addition, it is necessary to play sports and take long walks in the fresh air. A combination of proper nutrition and physical activity will help you quickly achieve the desired result.

In conclusion, the sandwich diet can be an effective way to lose some excess weight in a short period of time. However, before starting a diet, you should consult your doctor and make sure that this diet is right for you.