Tea diet

Tea diet: The art of losing weight with green tea

In search of effective ways to lose weight, many people turn to various diets. One of these popular methods is the tea diet, based on the consumption of green tea. Not only is green tea a delicious and refreshing drink, but it is also known for its health benefits, including its ability to promote weight loss and improve overall well-being. In this article we will look at the principles of the tea diet and its variations, including the Japanese tea diet.

Basic principles of the tea diet

The tea diet is usually recommended for a period of one to two weeks. The basic idea is to drink high quality green tea at least 5 times a day. Green tea is a filling drink due to its protein content, which can range from 15% to 25%, depending on the type of tea. In addition, green tea contains many beneficial antioxidants that may help improve overall health.

During the tea diet, it is also recommended to include vegetables and fruits in the diet, and add protein foods once a day. This will help provide the body with essential nutrients and maintain a balanced diet.

Despite the many benefits associated with the tea diet, it should be taken with caution, especially for those who suffer from gastrointestinal problems such as gastritis, ulcers or colitis. In such cases, it is recommended to consult a doctor before starting the diet.

Japanese tea diet

In addition to the regular tea diet, there is also a Japanese tea diet, which offers some features and specific rules. The basis of the Japanese diet is also green tea, but in this case preference is given to Japanese green tea. It can be consumed not only as a drink, but also used to prepare cereal porridges.

The Japanese tea diet recommends drinking one and a half liters of tea per day, preferably after or between meals. The amount of tea must be strictly observed, and if you are thirsty, you can only drink plain water. The diet should be varied and healthy, and meals should be distributed evenly throughout the day.

An approximate menu for 14 days of the tea diet may look like this:

Day 1:

  1. Breakfast: a cup of green tea, an omelet of two eggs with vegetables.
  2. Snack: fruit salad.
  3. Lunch: fresh vegetable salad with a piece of chicken fillet, dressed with olive oil.
  4. Snack: low-fat yogurt.
  5. Dinner: steamed fish with vegetables.

Day 2:

  1. Breakfast: a cup of green tea, oatmeal with berries.
  2. Snack: nuts.
  3. Lunch: grilled chicken breast with vegetables on the side.
  4. Snack: green smoothie.
  5. Dinner: stewed vegetables with shrimp.

Day 3:

  1. Breakfast: a cup of green tea, toast with avocado and egg.
  2. Snack: apple.
  3. Lunch: tuna salad with vegetables.
  4. Snack: carrot juice.
  5. Dinner: Grilled chicken breast with vegetables.

These are just examples and recipes and can be varied depending on your preferences and dietary restrictions. It is important to remember that the tea diet should be balanced and combined with an active lifestyle. It is also recommended to consult with a doctor or nutritionist before starting any diet to ensure that it is suitable for you and is not contraindicated in your particular case.