Lose weight according to Feng Shui

The art of Feng Shui entered the capital's life relatively recently, but managed to win the hearts of everyone who came across it. Today, Feng Shui Studio specialist Natalya Naumova will talk about how you need to monitor your health and adjust your weight with the help of Feng Shui.

What is Feng Shui?

Feng Shui is the ancient Chinese art of organizing the surrounding space to create a harmonious environment that would help a person in family life, work, health and all other areas. For a long time in China, this direction was the basis for the planning of palaces, temples and houses of ordinary people. Feng Shui works with the flows of energy that surround a person. External energy flows are influenced so that a person’s internal energy becomes favorable.

Losing weight for health

Initially, you should take care of the general health of the person and his entire family. If you make “adjustments” in the apartment aimed specifically at strengthening a person’s health, then this will also affect the weight, or rather, bringing it back to normal.

In each apartment, the eastern sector is responsible for the health of the family. This sector is associated with the element of wood and living plants, aquariums and fountains should be placed in it in order to support this element. This improves the health of those living in this house.

If the kitchen is located directly in front of the front door, then all family members will constantly rush to it to have something to eat. To avoid this, you can place indoor plants, tables with flowers or a telephone in the kitchen. It is better to make the door to the kitchen opaque.

In addition, a person’s health is greatly influenced by the places where he spends a lot of time - where he sleeps or works. They should not be exposed to negative elements such as sharp corners of walls and furniture.

By following simple Feng Shui recommendations, you can improve your health and normalize your weight naturally.