Nutritionists named dangerous foods on an empty stomach

Why is breakfast so important? Remember what the folk wisdom says? “You have to eat breakfast yourself.” Modern nutritionists cannot but agree with this. Moreover: a proper breakfast is an excellent prevention of a huge number of diseases.

Of course, when a person is hungry, he is not entirely picky about food and therefore usually uses everything that comes to hand. In the meantime, it is not recommended to eat certain foods on an empty stomach. What products were included in the prohibited list of products, experts found out in the “medical news” sections of the investor magazine “Stock Leader”.

Here are some examples of controversial snacking methods:

Bananas. Due to the high magnesium content, consuming bananas on an empty stomach can lead to an imbalance in the calcium-magnesium balance in the human body. All this is fraught with the appearance of a number of cardiovascular diseases.

Oranges. It is better not to eat this fruit on an empty stomach, as it becomes full of gases and acid - this can lead to indigestion and exacerbation of gastritis, an allergic reaction is possible, leading to an upset stomach or skin rashes.

Persimmon. This fruit contains large amounts of pectin and tannic acid, which form a gel-like substance during reaction with gastric juice. As a result, gastric stones may appear. The same side effects occur in tomatoes if consumed on an empty stomach.

In general, it should be noted that raw vegetables - cucumbers, paprika, cabbage - can cause irritation of the gastric mucosa in the morning. Therefore, they should not be consumed on an empty stomach, in particular for people with digestive problems.

Cold drinks that irritate the intestines and stomach. As a result of drinking cold drinks, enzymatic reactions can be disrupted, causing the occurrence of certain diseases. By the way, women may experience disruptions in their menstrual cycle.

Hawthorn. The fairly high content of organic and tartaric, citric and oil acids in hawthorn enhances the production of gastric juice. As a result, the stomach becomes full of acid and gases.

Yogurt. When consumed on an empty stomach, yogurt loses a significant part of its beneficial qualities. It is recommended to consume it two hours after meals or before bedtime. Only in these cases does it really help in the digestion process.

Sweet potato. Pectin and tannic acid contribute to the secretion of gastric juice, as a result of which a person begins to experience severe discomfort.

Sugar. Granulated sugar is quite easily digestible. If sugar enters an empty stomach, the human body is not able to secrete the required amount of insulin to maintain its normal level in the blood. All this can result in eye diseases. Moreover, sugar is an acid-forming food that can disrupt the acid-base balance.

Garlic. It contains allicin, which irritates the intestines, as well as the walls of the stomach. This is fraught with the appearance of gastrospasm.

Canned food and smoked meats. It’s quite difficult to call this food healthy not only for breakfast: flavorings, preservatives, a lot of salt... do their bad work, affecting the condition of the body as a whole.

Thus, even if you are hungry, do not rush to eat whatever you come across. Remember: not all food can be consumed on an empty stomach. And if you don’t want to deal with various gastrointestinal disorders, then it is better to give preference to desserts, as well as flour products.
