Losing weight with a star: diet of singer Valeria

Valeria is one of the most beautiful and slender artists, who celebrated her 45th anniversary this year. Her figure is slim and fit, and this despite the fact that the woman gave birth to three children! Valeria shows by her example that neither age, nor numerous births, nor being too busy is a reason to get fat. Self-care is hard work, but the results are worth it.

One of the methods that Valeria uses to stay in shape is the buckwheat diet. This diet lasts only three days, and you do not limit yourself in nutrition. The basis of the daily diet is buckwheat porridge. It can be eaten in any quantity, but without oil, salt, sugar, honey and other additives.

To prepare steamed buckwheat porridge, you need to pour the cereal into a thermos, pour boiling water over it and leave overnight. During this time, the buckwheat will absorb all the water and become crumbly. Then you can eat it as much as you like. It turns out delicious if you brew green buckwheat, which is several times superior to steamed buckwheat. Green buckwheat contains 18 amino acids and protein, which is equal to the protein of meat, fish and eggs.

The diet can be supplemented with a couple of apples, pears or grapefruit. You can also allow yourself a serving of green salad without salt. During the diet, you can drink green tea without sugar or regular clean filtered water, at least 2 liters per day.

However, do not forget that the buckwheat diet is just an express method for staying in shape. You need to exit the diet gradually, and be sure to reduce your salt intake in the future. In the first week after the diet, try to salt only one dish per day, later use no more than 1 tsp. coarse salt per day.

Valeria demonstrates that being slim and fit is the result of work and self-care. The buckwheat diet is one of the methods that helps her maintain her shape. Try this diet too, but do not forget that it should only be part of your lifestyle, and not the only way to lose weight.