Fitness nutrition rules

A properly selected fitness diet combined with moderate physical activity can do wonders for your body! Read its basic rules.

Keep track of time

American nutritionists have developed a new effective diet formula. For breakfast, eat oatmeal, boiled eggs, milk and green tea; for lunch, cook something substantial; there are no restrictions on foods, but portions should be moderate; lunch - exclude; for dinner - some proteins. And most importantly, don’t overeat before bed.

More proteins

Proteins play an important role in this program. If your gym sessions are in the morning, you need to “recharge” a little in the evening, but no later than 20:00. Training at lunchtime - protein breakfast.

Water and fruit

During constant physical activity, drink three liters of water daily. Also don't forget about bananas, apples and pears.

Fasting days

A light menu is a great way to keep yourself in shape. Arrange several fasting days in a row, which will definitely be beneficial: you will get rid of the heaviness in your stomach.

Dairy day: on this day, give up dietary dairy products, which, by the way, irritate the walls of the stomach. During the day, drink a liter of milk or kefir with 300-400 g. curd mass.

Vegetable day: carrot salads, spinach, broccoli and asparagus are your diet. Eat four servings of vegetables without dressing per day. Try to arrange such days once every two weeks - it will not only help you get rid of extra pounds, but also heal your stomach.

Banana Day: Make banana puree and stock up on pears. On this day you can allow yourself two servings of delicious banana porridge and a kilogram of pears or apples.

Day for porridge and kefir: 200 gr. oatmeal and a package of kefir - that's all you can afford today. A diet like this will help cleanse your body of toxins and also cleanse your stomach and intestines.