Anti-aging diet: diet

Each of us wants to maintain our youth and health for as long as possible. And while genetics plays a big role in this matter, proper nutrition also plays a big role in our health and appearance. An anti-aging diet can help us maintain a youthful and vibrant appearance.

In order to adhere to an anti-aging diet, you need to follow a few simple rules. First, you need to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. Every day, try to eat up to 1 kg of fruit and eat three servings of salad (1 serving – 200 g). It is also very useful to drink a glass of berry smoothie or a cocktail based on kefir and berries every day. Or just eat berries.

Nuts are also an important component of an anti-aging diet. Eat a large handful of nuts (50-60 g) daily. Walnuts and pine nuts are considered the best, followed by black walnuts, almonds, peanuts, pecans, pistachios, and hazelnuts.

Try to eat more unprocessed grains. Avoid white bread, white rice and instant cereals. It is much healthier to eat wholemeal black bread, brown rice, durum wheat pasta and oatmeal.

Limit your intake of sweets. You are allowed to eat dark chocolate, marmalade, marshmallows, dried fruits and honey. Eat enough protein (150 g per day). It is found in lean poultry meat, eggs, low-fat cottage cheese and cheese, and legumes. Keep in mind that your protein needs increase as you exercise a lot.

Include fish and seafood dishes in your diet at least twice a week. Try to replace meat with fish. Avoid eating sausages and ready-made pates.

Limit your use of butter. Pay attention to vegetable oils made from flax seeds, pumpkin seeds, rapeseed oil, etc.

Drink at least two cups of green or white tea per day. In general, try to drink a lot of liquids (dried fruit compote, fruit juice), including plain water with lemon. Drink a cup of chamomile tea before bed.

If there are no contraindications, it is useful to drink a glass of beer or half a glass of dry red wine every day. But do not abuse alcohol, otherwise it may negatively affect your health.

It is also important to control portion sizes. Try to eat smaller portions, but more often. Also, do not forget about regular physical activity, it will help you stay healthy and youthful.

By following the rules of an anti-aging diet, you can improve your physical fitness, maintain youth and health. But remember that each person is unique, and you may need an individual approach to planning your diet. Therefore, before starting any diet, it is always better to consult a doctor or nutritionist.