Stella McCartney recommends avoiding meat on Mondays

Famous British designer Stella McCartney calls for limiting meat consumption. In 2009, Stella, her father, Beatles member Paul McCartney, and her sister, photographer Mary, launched the Meat Free Monday project with the goal of reducing meat consumption. The star family is confident that by not eating meat at least a day a week, the world's population will be able to improve their health.

Now 42-year-old Stela has teamed up with former climate change minister Greg Barker to influence global environmental policy. McCartney is confident that reducing meat in the diet will have a serious impact on the environment, because according to the designer, only in the Amazon have huge forest areas been destroyed in order to graze cattle. Stella recommends not eating meat at least on Mondays in order to save at least one “football field” of forest.

McCartney asks anyone who supports this movement to sign an official meat-free diet for one day a week at Greg Barker, in turn, will present the results of the action at the UN Climate Summit, which will be held on September 23.

Note that Stela does not use fur or leather in her collections and supports the PETA organization.