Grape juice for ischemia

Grape juice for ischemia: benefits for the heart and blood vessels

Recently, more and more doctors and researchers are paying attention to the benefits of grape juice for the health of the heart and blood vessels. Initially, the beneficial properties of grapes were of interest in connection with natural wine, which in moderate doses is considered beneficial for the body. However, recently French scientists discovered that the problem is not in the wine itself, but in the grape berries.

It turned out that ordinary grape juice is not inferior to wine in its beneficial properties. Moreover, grape juice does not require the same restrictions in consumption as wine. Regular consumption of grape juice can prevent the development of coronary artery disease and other cardiovascular diseases.

One of the main reasons why grape juice is good for the heart and blood vessels is the polyphenols contained in some grape varieties. These substances prevent the body from producing a protein that destroys the heart muscle. Polyphenols also help reduce blood cholesterol and prevent blood clots.

However, not all grape varieties are equally beneficial for the heart. Researchers continue to determine which grape varieties are most effective in the fight against coronary artery disease. However, doctors now recommend drinking grape juice in the amount of at least one glass per day.

It is advisable to use homemade fresh grapes, since the beneficial properties of the berry largely depend on the processing method. For example, commercial juice production often uses preservatives and additives that can neutralize the beneficial properties of grapes.

In conclusion, grape juice is a healthy and tasty drink that can help protect the heart and blood vessels from various diseases. Drinking grape juice regularly can be one of the simple ways to maintain cardiovascular health.