How Facebook makes girls lose weight

Title: How Facebook affects girls' diets: study results

Nowadays, social networks play a big role in the lives of many people. Many people spend a lot of time there, chatting with friends, watching photos and videos, and getting information about the world. However, according to a study conducted by a group of scientists from North Carolina, the use of Facebook may have an impact on the diet of girls.

The study involved 128 female students at an American university. They were asked to answer questions about their diets and eating patterns. The results showed that girls who spent a lot of time on Facebook and often looked at other users' photos were more likely to engage in various diets and dietary restrictions than those who used the social network only for communication.

According to scientists, girls who saw photos of other users constantly compared their bodies with the ideals of beauty that they saw on social networks. This led to them becoming more prone to extreme diets and food restrictions, which could have a negative impact on their health and well-being.

At the same time, girls who used Facebook only for communication were less likely to use extreme diets and dietary restrictions. They remained more balanced and had better mental health.

The study found that Facebook could be influencing girls' diets and that social media use should be limited to avoid putting their health at risk. Instead, it's better to use Facebook to communicate with friends and get useful information about the world.