The Mediterranean Diet: A Tasty Lifestyle for Everyone

The Mediterranean diet is not just a diet or a weight loss method. This style of eating can rightfully be called one of the best diets that exist in the world today. What is the essence of the Mediterranean diet, and why it is considered the best - read in our material.

The Mediterranean diet is not just a diet, it is a real way of life, which does not promote the restriction of certain foods in the diet, but the correct approach to nutrition, in principle. So, it should contain 50% carbohydrates, 30% fat (mostly olive oil) and 20% protein. The Mediterranean diet should include five meals: three main meals and two snacks. In addition, the Mediterranean diet does not involve counting calories. And this is a huge plus.

Of course, the Mediterranean diet is not a quick method for losing weight. Its main message is the normalization of metabolism, and as a result, the normalization of weight. If your goal is to become very thin, this diet will not suit you, but for the right weight it is just right. If you eat like this all the time, you can forget about excess weight once and for all.


The Mediterranean diet divides all foods into those that need to be eaten daily; those that need to be eaten every week; and those that can be eaten several times a month. The daily diet includes: fruits, vegetables, yogurt, cheese, legumes, olive oil, spices, durum wheat pasta, cereals, potatoes (in the first half of the day). You can also allow yourself 150 ml of red wine 2 times a day with meals.

Products that should not be in the diet very often (1-4 times a week) include: sweets, raba, meat (poultry), eggs. Also, don't forget to eat red meat to replenish your iron stores. As for sugar, it can be consumed, but not often. You should also not drink sweet wines or eat butter.

In general, from all of the above products, you can prepare delicious and varied dishes that will delight the stomach and the eye.

It has been proven that people who live near the Mediterranean Sea and eat this way for many years are much less likely to suffer from cardiovascular diseases, cancer and diabetes.


Breakfast: bread, dairy products, fruit, cheese.

Second breakfast: salad.

Lunch: durum wheat pasta, chicken (fish, beef), salad with olive oil. You can have a glass of wine.

Afternoon snack: sandwich with cheese or fish, tomatoes and herbs.

Dinner: rice with carrots, meat (seafood) and vegetables. You can have a glass of wine.

Also, don't forget to drink enough fresh water.

In parallel with the diet, do not forget to include physical activity in your life: fitness, walking, cycling, family picnics, and so on.