Holiday diet!

The combination is perhaps quite strange. But don't rush to close this page. Before or after, but no celebration is complete without a diet. And better - before. And such a diet will not spoil your pre-holiday mood - if, of course, you approach the matter without fanaticism.
Still, we should not forget that the red days of the calendar are inevitably followed by everyday work. And so that they don’t take you by surprise, it is advisable to approach the holidays themselves with some kind of reserve of health. Then the aggravating consequences of the “sweet life”, such as extra pounds and various disorders, can be minimized.
It's very easy to do. It is enough to include in the pre-holiday diet foods that stimulate endurance, increase physical and mental activity, and also prevent gastrointestinal problems. However, these healing products will not be out of place on the holiday table.

Sea kale (kelp). Contains vitamins C, B6, B12, nicotinic acid and other biologically active substances; provides the body with iodine, inhibits the development of vascular sclerosis, and prevents the formation of blood clots. But its main property is the ability to reduce the absorption and accumulation of radionuclides and toxic substances in the body.
Moreover, to achieve the effect, it is enough to eat at least 2 teaspoons of kelp daily.

In expensive restaurants in the Mediterranean, the Venice salad, which contains peeled shrimp, pieces of fish, olives, tomatoes, onions and herbs, is very popular. All this is flavored with vegetable oil, vinegar and seaweed.

What can I say, the usual “Health” salad will perfectly diversify the “heavy” holiday menu. Chop a hard-boiled egg, peeled fresh cucumbers, raw or boiled carrots, onions, and add seaweed. Mix everything, season with mayonnaise or sour cream. You can replace the onions with green onions or add green peas.

Live sprouts. In China they are called health sprouts. Cereal sprouts have become very popular in the West in recent years, primarily in the USA and Great Britain. There, seeds of a wide variety of plants are sprouted: beans, mustard, cabbage, sunflowers, lentils, buckwheat, barley, oats, corn, flax, radishes, spinach. Sprouts stimulate appetite, help normalize gastrointestinal motility, and have an antimicrobial effect. By the way, they allow you not only to improve your health, but also to lose weight - they do not contain calories, but at the same time they create a feeling of fullness for several hours.

Sprouted grains are usually eaten with fruit. Sometimes, after drying, they are ground in a coffee grinder. This flour is especially good as an addition to various salads, sauces, seasonings, and dough. You can make sandwich mixture from sprouted wheat. Grind the sprouted grains (preferably in a mixer), add vegetable oil, garlic, salt and beat everything thoroughly. Add chopped parsley to the prepared mixture. Possible options: instead of garlic and salt, add honey and serve with fruit.

Vegetables. Don't ignore them at your holiday table. It has been proven that eating vegetables reduces the risk of diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and, which is especially important in our case, prevents gastrointestinal disorders. The fact is that vegetables contain so-called phytoprotectors, which have extremely beneficial properties for the body. First of all, pay attention to fresh cucumbers; they contain tartronic acid, which slows down the formation of fat in the body. Vegetables belonging to the cruciferous class (all types of cabbage) are rich in indole compounds. They regulate the activity of enzymes responsible for the destruction of various poisons in the body. And radish contains substances that have bactericidal properties. What during many