Hidden calories: how to recognize?

How much effort do we spend on diets and strict calorie counting?! And most of us don’t even realize that some of the foods that we so carefully choose, weigh and count calories also contain hidden calories. Where are they hiding?

Hidden calories are usually hidden in those foods that we are accustomed to consider healthy, low-calorie.

Egg yolks have special nutritional value, as well as additional calories. If, for example, you add only the white to a soup or other dish that requires eggs, it will be less caloric than using the whole egg (1 white contains about 20 calories).

Avoid these foods if you want to lose weight
When dieting, it is very important to count not only calories, but also carbohydrates and fats that the foods we eat contain. For example, many diets contain boiled chicken. It not only satisfies well, but also adds a sufficient amount of protein and fat to the diet. Moreover, if you eat the fatty skin of a chicken leg, then you can safely add another 200 calories to the calculated portion of calories. It is better to eat exclusively meat, trying to choose lean pieces.

If you are one of those who consider yoghurts and muesli to be dietary foods, you will have to reconsider your views on a healthy diet. Let's look at each of these products separately. The choice of muesli in stores is very wide, many of them are even labeled with the slogans “Lose weight in 14 days!”, “Lose weight easily!” and so on. But most of them contain candied fruits or other sweet additives. This happens not only to improve the taste of the muesli, but also to compensate for the lack of fat. And the presence of sweeteners means carbohydrates, and carbohydrates mean additional calories.

As for yoghurts, most of them also contain sugar, which means the effect of the product is the same as that of muesli. Yogurts made from whole (natural, not powdered) milk also contain a lot of fat. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to low-fat natural types of yoghurts. And best of all, buy a yogurt maker and make them yourself. This way you will be 100% confident in the product you are using.

Also, hidden calories are hidden in large fruits - in addition to vitamins, large fruits contain a large amount of sugar, which is absolutely useless for those losing weight. In addition, large fruits are usually the result of the use of nitrates during cultivation. Why deal such a blow to your health?

The most surprising fact is that the crust of bread, which we are accustomed to considering as lower in calories, is actually more “heavier” for our body than the crumb (calorie content varies depending on the type of bread and the weight of the loaf). So, when eating bread, it is better to cut off the crusts.

And now about cooking. Many people believe that when you are on a diet, it is better to use olive oil in cooking rather than sunflower oil. Indeed, olive oil has less calories and is much healthier. But even one tablespoon of olive oil contains 30 calories (depending on the type). If you decide to fry “diet” fish in olive oil, count how many spoons it will take you and multiply by 30 - the result may be very surprising. To avoid this, during your diet, try not to eat fried foods or cook in special non-stick cookware that does not require the use of vegetable oil. If you use oil as a salad dressing, you can try replacing it with apple cider vinegar.

We've sorted out the food stuff, but could there be hidden calories in drinks? Women who adhere to a diet love to treat themselves to some kind of juice without added sugar or soda labeled “light”. Let's not be fooled: any packaged juice or “pop” contains sweeteners, dyes, and flavorings that are not