Montignac diet

Montignac proposes new principles that suggest not going on another diet, but changing eating habits and moving away from established stereotypes. Excess weight, dissatisfaction with one's figure, poor health, fatigue - this is what people suffer from today. Obesity contributes to the development of diseases of all organs.

Montignac suggested that obesity is most often associated with a disorder of the pancreas, which releases excess insulin into the blood and promotes the conversion of carbohydrates into fat. An increase in body weight occurs when the pancreas, under the influence of various factors (including poor nutrition), wears out, and its main function - insulin production - is impaired. The Montignac nutritional method is aimed at restoring pancreatic function.

Montignac diet. Basic principles of diet.

Eliminate from the menu carbohydrates that cause increased insulin release, the so-called “bad carbohydrates”:

  1. white sugar in pure form or in combination with other products, cakes, sweets, jam;

  2. all processed foods, especially white bread and white rice;

  3. drinks, especially alcoholic drinks;

  4. potatoes and corn.

Montignac advises eating “good carbohydrates.” Unlike “bad” ones, they are partially absorbed by the body and therefore do not cause a significant increase in blood sugar.

"Good Carbs":

  1. coarse grains and some starchy foods - beans and lentils;

  2. Most fruits and vegetables (lettuce, turnips, green beans, leeks, etc.) are high in fiber and low in glucose.

Montignac advises adhering to the principle of separate nutrition: never mix “bad carbohydrates” with lipids in one meal.

Start your breakfast with fruits - they are perfectly digestible on an empty stomach, digest for 15 minutes and stimulate the intestines.

Eliminate sugar from your diet completely. Sugar should be avoided in any form, and the food industry adds it everywhere. The use of sweeteners is allowed, but not recommended.

Temporarily abstain from all types of alcohol. Don't drink strong coffee. Drink less liquid during meals so as not to dilute gastric juice.

When following the Montignac diet, never skip a meal. Eat three times a day or more often, and at the same time. Feeling hungry is unacceptable!

Eat more dietary fiber: salads, legumes, green vegetables, fruits.