Coffee with sugar is the best dope for the brain!

Did you know that drinking coffee with sugar can boost your brain function? A new study conducted by Spanish scientists shows that consuming caffeine and glucose at the same time can activate your brain, helping improve attention and memory.

A team of scientists from the University of Barcelona in Spain conducted an experiment to study the effects of a combination of caffeine and glucose on cognitive function. The study included 72 men and women aged 18 to 25 who were given limited doses of various drinks.

Participants in the experiment were offered water, water with caffeine, water with glucose, or water with caffeine and glucose together. Then the scientists conducted various tests on attention, memory and motor skills. The study, published in the journal Human Psychopharmacology: Clinical and Experimental and on, found that participants consuming water with caffeine or glucose had a higher response than those who drank plain water.

However, the most impressive results were seen in those who drank caffeine and glucose water together. This combination resulted in significant improvements in attention, learning, and verbal memory in subjects. These results confirm that coffee with sugar can serve as an effective brain booster, especially during tasks that require high concentration and memory.

So, is it worth giving up this favorite drink in the morning now? The answer depends on the individual preferences and characteristics of each person’s body. Although coffee with sugar can be beneficial for enhancing cognitive function in certain situations, it is important to remember to use moderation and not overindulge in this drink.

Coffee contains caffeine, which is a central nervous system stimulant. Moderate caffeine consumption may improve wakefulness, alertness, and cognitive function. However, excess caffeine consumption can lead to negative side effects such as insomnia, nervousness, and increased heart rate.

Sugar added to coffee can also provide an energy boost, as glucose is a source of nutrition for the brain. However, excessive consumption of sugar due to its high sugar content can lead to general health problems, including excess weight, metabolic problems and an increased risk of developing diabetes.

Therefore, if you decide to use coffee with sugar as a brain drug, moderation is recommended. The optimal dose of caffeine for enhancing cognitive function is around 100-200 mg per day, which is roughly equivalent to one or two cups of coffee. However, each person may have an individual sensitivity to caffeine, so it is important to pay attention to your reaction and not exceed the recommended dose.

It is also worth considering that coffee with sugar is not the only way to improve cognitive function. A healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet, physical activity and adequate rest, also plays an important role in maintaining brain health. Regular brain exercises such as solving puzzles, reading and learning new skills can also help with brain function.

In conclusion, coffee with sugar can be a good brain booster, helping to improve attention and memory in certain situations. However, it is important to remember the measure and maintain moderation in consumption to avoid negative consequences. Additionally, be aware of other factors that affect cognitive function and strive for an overall healthy lifestyle that promotes optimal brain function.