Fish diet: menu and features

The fish diet is an effective and quick way to lose weight, especially for fish and seafood lovers. In three days you can lose up to five kilograms of excess weight. However, like any other diet, it should be agreed with a doctor and used with caution, especially for people with kidney or liver disease.

The main products that can be consumed in a fish diet are fish (it is better to choose not too fatty, but nutritious: salmon, mackerel, tuna, sardines, trout), seafood, vegetables (lettuce, zucchini, cucumbers, carrots, peppers, cabbage, broccoli ), fruits (except grapes and bananas) and brown rice. Fermented milk products and eggs are also acceptable. Fish can be prepared in various ways: frying, boiling, baking or steaming. It all depends on taste preferences.

Breakfast should consist of cottage cheese, yogurt, boiled eggs and green tea. The second breakfast should consist of a piece of fish and a fruit such as grapefruit, pineapple or kiwi. For lunch and dinner you can eat fish or seafood and permitted vegetables. You can make a salad and season it with yogurt, or you can boil the vegetables or lightly fry them in a very small amount of oil. As part of the fish diet, you should not drink for one hour after eating.

In addition, a fish diet can be combined with drinking dry red wine, which speeds up the process of losing weight. However, you should give up sweets, flour, coffee and tea, as they do not fit the diet.

The fish diet is easy to tolerate because you do not feel hungry, gives quick results and does not affect your well-being. If three days of the diet were easy, it can be extended to 7 days. In any case, in a fish diet you need to focus on your inner feelings. Nutritionists advise following a fish diet once every six months to keep fit and cleanse the body.

The fish diet is an effective and quick way to lose weight, especially for fish and seafood lovers. Create a menu based on permitted foods and follow the recommendations of a nutritionist to achieve the desired results.